شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

La manipulation de la religion par les monarques illegitimes des pays du Golfe et les dictatures Arabes mises en places par le colon imperialiste sioniste euro-americain pour empecher les peuples Musulmans de se liberer!
Israel is using the French Zionist Jewry Mafia to organise a coup d'etat in Syria like France did with the fake Islamic groups, named GIA, now AQIM in North Africa. France already collapsed, and is on the verge of a total war between Zionists and Muslims, a war manufactured by the Netanyahu-Sarkozy networks since 2002.  Francois Hollande, a Zionist Algerian Jew, like Bernard Henri Levy are extending a civil war in Syria on behalf of Israel supremacism. The entire secret service in Syria, Lebanaon like Algeria were created by France, the former occupant. While the US is launching the Turks against the Syrians, betraying all the Muslim peoples of the Shaam. Now don't get surprised when the Syrians take weapons against Israel, France, Germany, the US and UK in Lebanon, cause the fake groups are representing only themselves, and 90% of the Syrian Sunnis are waiting for Israel's nazis. The one who win Syria will win the entire Middle East and this is surely not Israel!
Comment la mafia juive sioniste francaise au sein des ministeres de la defense et de l'interieur, innonde le sud de la France avec de l'opium Afghan afin de provoquer une guerre dans les banlieues entre dealers, approvisiones, armes et manipules par la DCRI et ses clans corses
OPERATION MERAH : Sarkozy, Mangoux et Netanyahu auraient liquide le vice-consul algerien de Gao. La DGSE pousse la guerre dans les rues de France
The Yinon Thesis Vindicated: Neocons, Israel, and the Fragmentation of Syria