By Christopher bollyn,
"Obama's first pick: Israeli Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff" is the headline of a November 6 article in Ha'aretz, the Israeli newspaper. The Israeli editors at Ha'aretz proudly proclaim that Obama's first pick was "Israeli Rahm Emanuel" to run the next administration. Americans should be aware that Obama's chief of staff will be an Israeli, with terrorist roots and a clear loyalty to the state of Israel.
Although the Israeli Emanuel has been named as Obama's chief of staff, none of the Zionist-controlled media outlets in the United States seem as open as Ha'aretz to discuss Emanuel's family roots with the Nazi-linked Zionist terror gangs in Palestine in the 1930s and 40s. Naftali Bendavid of the Zionist-owned Chicago Tribune, for example, has written a book about Emanuel and spent a great deal of time with him but completely avoids his Israeli roots in the Tribune article he wrote on November 6.
Bendavid wrote that Emanuel "is best known as something of a Democratic political assassin" who "might not appear to be the obvious choice for White House chief of staff for a president-elect who speaks eloquently of setting aside partisan differences and bringing the country together."
Don't expect the controlled media to tell you the whole truth about Emanuel's family ties to real assassins. To get an idea of who Emanuel really is, I recommend my 2006 article, "Son of a Zionist Terrorist -- Rahm Emanuel's Dirty Secret."
Emanuel even left the United States to serve in the Israeli army in 1991. A person from any other nation would automatically lose his U.S. citizenship for serving in a foreign military. Why do we let Israelis run our government? What will it take to remove people like Emanuel and Michael Chertoff to prevent them from damaging our American republic even more? The Zionist agents in our government are clearly in the process of accumulating power and not at all afraid of showing it. This is a very dangerous development.
Rahm Emanuel, an Israeli soldier and the son of a real Zionist terrorist,
will be the next White House chief of staff.
Americans should note that this means a foreigner, an Israeli, i.e. a person with loyalties to Israel, will be running the White House under Barack Obama. The chief of staff effectively controls the people around the president -- he decides who sees him, what he hears, and what he knows. The people surrounding the president report to the chief of staff. Emanuel will be the intellectual handler of President Obama (a continuation of the role he has played for years) and the controller of the White House. How do you think having an Israeli with terrorist roots will affect U.S. relations with Iran, Russia, the Palestinians -- and the rest of the world?
Emanuel's father said Rahm is "the namesake of Rahamim, a Lehi combatant." Lehi, a.k.a. the Stern Gang, was the most radical Zionist terrorist group in the 1940s. The Stern Gang killed scores of British soldiers and assassinated Lord Moyne and Count Folke Bernadotte, the United Nations envoy from Sweden, as well as hundreds of innocent Palestinians such as the civilian population of Deir Yassin. This Zionist terror group was allied with the Nazis in their war against the British. Both of Emanuel's parents, Benjamin Emanuel (formerly Auerbach) and Marsha Smulevitz, lived in Israel and both are related to Lehi fighters. This is to say that Emanuel's father, a Jew, fought with the Nazis.
Rahm Emanuel is the same Israeli who ran the White House under Bill Clinton, although he did not have the chief of staff position. He is the person who pushed through the disastrous NAFTA legislation. It should be remembered that it was during the Clinton administration, while the president dallied with his chunky Jewish girlfriend, that the foundation of the Zionist terror network that pulled off 9-11 was laid. Now, Emanuel, the son of a terrorist and assassin, will be back in the Oval Office.
Important Note: The article continues below.
If you appreciate my articles, please send a donation by PayPal to shop@bollynbooks.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or bollyn@bollynbooks.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Donations can also be sent to:
Christopher Bollyn, 3 Golf Center, Suite 365, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
Thank you. Your support is needed to continue my work.
Emanuel has controlled Obama for years.
His brother is the agent for Michael Moore, who joked about
Emanuel's appointment on the Larry King Show. Moore is a Zionist shill.
Emanuel, the son of an Israeli terrorist (Irgun and Lehi) is part of the Chicago-based Zionist political team with David Axelrod, Obama's chief campaign strategist. Obama thanked David Axelrod by name during his victory speech in Chicago's Grant Park. Axelrod's father, Joseph, a Jewish immigrant from someplace near the Black Sea, hanged himself in 1974 when David was a 19-year-old student at the University of Chicago. His mother was a communist journalist in New York.
David Axelrod ran the Obama campaign.
Rahm Emanuel, who is named after a Lehi (Stern Gang) terrorist named Rahamim Cohen, and David Axelrod have been working together since 1984 when they teamed up to help Paul Simon (Mr. Bowtie) defeat Sen. Charles Percy (R-Ill.)
These two Zionist extremists were not working for reform in Illinois; their only agenda was to defeat the incumbent Sen. Percy because of his senior position on the Foreign Relations Committee and his outspoken criticism of Israel. These Zionist gangsters went on to support the Chicago mayoral campaign of Richard M. Daley, the son of Richard J. Daley. These are the two Zionist punks who put Barack Obama into the White House.
In October I warned readers that the Obama ticket was really a hard-core Israeli ticket in disguise. In my article "Colin Powell: Liar & War Criminal Endorses Obama" I advised my readers of the Israeli gangsters behind Obama:
Powell's endorsement of Obama, a puppet of the Israeli Rahm Emanuel, has less to do with Obama's African roots than it does with getting Emanuel and his Zionist gangsters back into control of the Oval Office. Emanuel, the real boss of the Democratic party is the son of a real Israeli terrorist (Irgun and Lehi) and thug-in-chief of the party.
The Israeli Emanuel will manage the Obama White House.
What can we expect from the Obama presidency? Elected on a platform of "Change" after 8 years of an unpopular and dictatorial regime, we would expect to see changes of the disastrous policies of the Bush administration.
What changes will we see? Will we see an end to the costly and illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Will the senior officials of the Bush administration who willfully lied to start these wars of aggression be held accountable for their war crimes? Will we finally have a proper and independent investigation of 9-11? Will the ghoulish Israeli Michael Chertoff be fired and his oppressive Department of Homeland Security dismantled?
If the war criminals are not held accountable and the most egregious criminal policies of the Bush administration are not changed and reversed – what exactly does the Obama "Change" slogan mean? Changing the curtains? Changing the Israelis in the White House?
The appointment of Rahm Emanuel, Clinton's senior advisor, to run the Obama White House does not look like a positive change. I was hoping for someone like Michael Jordan to be the next secretary of state. Rather than Israelis like Emanuel, we need people like Jordan in power to turn our national game around.
Michael Jordan would be an ideal U.S. Secretary of State.
Jordan is impressive, has a strong strategic mind, and knows how to win against incredible odds. We've seen him do it many times. He is articulate, greatly admired around the globe -- and he can fly. Under Barack Obama and old foreign policy hand Sen. Joe Biden, who could possibly be a better representative for the new administration than Michael Jordan? (Of course, Jordan would probably refuse to work with a nasty fellow like Emanuel, but he could stuff the Israeli.)
Michael Jordan with the Chicago Bulls
But the announcement that Obama has chosen an Israeli to run the White House staff has dashed any hopes we might have of a American "Dream Team," with Michael Jordan or not, in the next administration. Rather than having a team of strong, smart, and patriotic Americans who can restore the American dream and soar, we will probably wind up with a bunch of nasty Zionist Jews who can't even jump and couldn't care less about America. Emanuel's staff will probably be more of an Israeli dream team of radical Zionists -- but what consequences will that have for America -- and the Middle East?
Here is the complete text of the Ha'aretz article:
Although the Israeli Emanuel has been named as Obama's chief of staff, none of the Zionist-controlled media outlets in the United States seem as open as Ha'aretz to discuss Emanuel's family roots with the Nazi-linked Zionist terror gangs in Palestine in the 1930s and 40s. Naftali Bendavid of the Zionist-owned Chicago Tribune, for example, has written a book about Emanuel and spent a great deal of time with him but completely avoids his Israeli roots in the Tribune article he wrote on November 6.
Bendavid wrote that Emanuel "is best known as something of a Democratic political assassin" who "might not appear to be the obvious choice for White House chief of staff for a president-elect who speaks eloquently of setting aside partisan differences and bringing the country together."
Don't expect the controlled media to tell you the whole truth about Emanuel's family ties to real assassins. To get an idea of who Emanuel really is, I recommend my 2006 article, "Son of a Zionist Terrorist -- Rahm Emanuel's Dirty Secret."
Emanuel even left the United States to serve in the Israeli army in 1991. A person from any other nation would automatically lose his U.S. citizenship for serving in a foreign military. Why do we let Israelis run our government? What will it take to remove people like Emanuel and Michael Chertoff to prevent them from damaging our American republic even more? The Zionist agents in our government are clearly in the process of accumulating power and not at all afraid of showing it. This is a very dangerous development.
Rahm Emanuel, an Israeli soldier and the son of a real Zionist terrorist,
will be the next White House chief of staff.
Americans should note that this means a foreigner, an Israeli, i.e. a person with loyalties to Israel, will be running the White House under Barack Obama. The chief of staff effectively controls the people around the president -- he decides who sees him, what he hears, and what he knows. The people surrounding the president report to the chief of staff. Emanuel will be the intellectual handler of President Obama (a continuation of the role he has played for years) and the controller of the White House. How do you think having an Israeli with terrorist roots will affect U.S. relations with Iran, Russia, the Palestinians -- and the rest of the world?
Emanuel's father said Rahm is "the namesake of Rahamim, a Lehi combatant." Lehi, a.k.a. the Stern Gang, was the most radical Zionist terrorist group in the 1940s. The Stern Gang killed scores of British soldiers and assassinated Lord Moyne and Count Folke Bernadotte, the United Nations envoy from Sweden, as well as hundreds of innocent Palestinians such as the civilian population of Deir Yassin. This Zionist terror group was allied with the Nazis in their war against the British. Both of Emanuel's parents, Benjamin Emanuel (formerly Auerbach) and Marsha Smulevitz, lived in Israel and both are related to Lehi fighters. This is to say that Emanuel's father, a Jew, fought with the Nazis.
Rahm Emanuel is the same Israeli who ran the White House under Bill Clinton, although he did not have the chief of staff position. He is the person who pushed through the disastrous NAFTA legislation. It should be remembered that it was during the Clinton administration, while the president dallied with his chunky Jewish girlfriend, that the foundation of the Zionist terror network that pulled off 9-11 was laid. Now, Emanuel, the son of a terrorist and assassin, will be back in the Oval Office.
Important Note: The article continues below.
If you appreciate my articles, please send a donation by PayPal to shop@bollynbooks.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or bollyn@bollynbooks.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Donations can also be sent to:
Christopher Bollyn, 3 Golf Center, Suite 365, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
Thank you. Your support is needed to continue my work.
Emanuel has controlled Obama for years.
His brother is the agent for Michael Moore, who joked about
Emanuel's appointment on the Larry King Show. Moore is a Zionist shill.
Emanuel, the son of an Israeli terrorist (Irgun and Lehi) is part of the Chicago-based Zionist political team with David Axelrod, Obama's chief campaign strategist. Obama thanked David Axelrod by name during his victory speech in Chicago's Grant Park. Axelrod's father, Joseph, a Jewish immigrant from someplace near the Black Sea, hanged himself in 1974 when David was a 19-year-old student at the University of Chicago. His mother was a communist journalist in New York.
David Axelrod ran the Obama campaign.
Rahm Emanuel, who is named after a Lehi (Stern Gang) terrorist named Rahamim Cohen, and David Axelrod have been working together since 1984 when they teamed up to help Paul Simon (Mr. Bowtie) defeat Sen. Charles Percy (R-Ill.)
These two Zionist extremists were not working for reform in Illinois; their only agenda was to defeat the incumbent Sen. Percy because of his senior position on the Foreign Relations Committee and his outspoken criticism of Israel. These Zionist gangsters went on to support the Chicago mayoral campaign of Richard M. Daley, the son of Richard J. Daley. These are the two Zionist punks who put Barack Obama into the White House.
In October I warned readers that the Obama ticket was really a hard-core Israeli ticket in disguise. In my article "Colin Powell: Liar & War Criminal Endorses Obama" I advised my readers of the Israeli gangsters behind Obama:
Powell's endorsement of Obama, a puppet of the Israeli Rahm Emanuel, has less to do with Obama's African roots than it does with getting Emanuel and his Zionist gangsters back into control of the Oval Office. Emanuel, the real boss of the Democratic party is the son of a real Israeli terrorist (Irgun and Lehi) and thug-in-chief of the party.
The Israeli Emanuel will manage the Obama White House.
What can we expect from the Obama presidency? Elected on a platform of "Change" after 8 years of an unpopular and dictatorial regime, we would expect to see changes of the disastrous policies of the Bush administration.
What changes will we see? Will we see an end to the costly and illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Will the senior officials of the Bush administration who willfully lied to start these wars of aggression be held accountable for their war crimes? Will we finally have a proper and independent investigation of 9-11? Will the ghoulish Israeli Michael Chertoff be fired and his oppressive Department of Homeland Security dismantled?
If the war criminals are not held accountable and the most egregious criminal policies of the Bush administration are not changed and reversed – what exactly does the Obama "Change" slogan mean? Changing the curtains? Changing the Israelis in the White House?
The appointment of Rahm Emanuel, Clinton's senior advisor, to run the Obama White House does not look like a positive change. I was hoping for someone like Michael Jordan to be the next secretary of state. Rather than Israelis like Emanuel, we need people like Jordan in power to turn our national game around.
Michael Jordan would be an ideal U.S. Secretary of State.
Jordan is impressive, has a strong strategic mind, and knows how to win against incredible odds. We've seen him do it many times. He is articulate, greatly admired around the globe -- and he can fly. Under Barack Obama and old foreign policy hand Sen. Joe Biden, who could possibly be a better representative for the new administration than Michael Jordan? (Of course, Jordan would probably refuse to work with a nasty fellow like Emanuel, but he could stuff the Israeli.)
Michael Jordan with the Chicago Bulls
But the announcement that Obama has chosen an Israeli to run the White House staff has dashed any hopes we might have of a American "Dream Team," with Michael Jordan or not, in the next administration. Rather than having a team of strong, smart, and patriotic Americans who can restore the American dream and soar, we will probably wind up with a bunch of nasty Zionist Jews who can't even jump and couldn't care less about America. Emanuel's staff will probably be more of an Israeli dream team of radical Zionists -- but what consequences will that have for America -- and the Middle East?
Here is the complete text of the Ha'aretz article: