شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Showing posts with the label AfghanistanShow all
Military source calls incident at Afghanistan airport an 'attempted attack'
Nous rentrons dans une decennie de tous les changements et de toutes les manipulations. En attaquant le Pakistan, Israel donne la victoire totale et exclusive a la Resistance Islamique d'Afghanistan
Afghani Claims US Generals are Trafficking the Heroin
Members of the navy 'seal team six' involved in the fake operation ' Ben Laden' in Pakistan were sent to a certain death in Afghanistan, a sure way to silence them for ever. Nobody can win in Afghanistan or Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Syria. The pentagon knows that, but don't forget, they are only israelis 'shabbath goys' puppets.
Video: Resistance Islamique d'Afghanistan: Le vrai visage des Talibans
La résistance afghane libère 541 prisonniers à Kandahar (communiqué)
Pipelinestan : Israelis puppets in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan signed TAPI  gas pipeline deal owned by israelis in Tel Aviv (Mehrav company)
Quand l'OTAN finance les partis politiques occidentaux pro-israeliens avec l'argent de la drogue afghane. Y-a-t-il un financement des partis politiques en France grace aux trafiques de drogue, comme a l'epoque de la 'french connexion' du mossadnik Pasqua ...  Les réseaux franco-israelo-pakistanais etant tres liés a la maison Pasqua
Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan: Military Operations, update 02 December 2010
Afghanistan : Mujahideen Of Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan Military Operations update 27th November 2010 : NATO commandment does not have a clue of who they are fighting. MI6, RAW, mossad and the pentagone did not identified the  'fake taliban leader'!
Afghanistan, Iraq, the lost wars of the defeated US-israel empire
Hamid Karzai: US Private "Security" Firms Spread False-Flag Terror
La CIA entretient une armée de mercenaires active en Afghanistan et au Pakistan
Russia, China, Iran defeat U.S. in the “pipeline wars”
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations, update 31st August 2010, 21 US-invaders died for Israel in 48 hours
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations, update 17th August 2010
La Grande-Bretagne protège les plus grandes cultures d’héroïne de tous les temps
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations, update 10th August 2010
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations, update 20th July 2010