شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Showing posts with the label war on IslaamShow all
Israeli, Saudi Arabia bulldozing Islam
Sur la guerre civile qu'Israel declenche en France et aux Etats-Unis, et sur la strategie mise en place par Netanyahu pour occuper tout le Moyen Orient et le Maghreb-Sahel
Another clear evidence that Netanyahu killed the US envoy in Benghazi, just before the start of major drills and military exercises in the Gulf, to push the shabbath goys of the pentagone to fight and die for Israel's messianic wars!
Wall Street and the City major banks. The US, UK, France, Germany, Israel  and NATO are fueling nazism, racism, hatred against Islaam as part of their global plan for domination
The Post-9/11 War On Muslims: Kevin Barrett
Muslims Are Their Own Worst Enemy
US and UK and israelis have 'rogue elements' inside Pakistanis services ISI
Daddy Says: "It's Not a War on Islam"