شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية


Pro-occupation kippa-wearing Barack Hussein Obama in occupied Palestine

Talking peace does not mean making peace. The United States is a nation formed on occupation and terror through the holocaust of Native Americans. Europeans, including European- Americans, Canadians, Australians and Israelis, have always supported and financed dictatorships and wars of aggression, occupation and terror for their own benefit and that of their allies.

Europeans created Black slavery and then take credit for abolishing it and pretend to be pioneers of freedom. They supported South African Apartheid and still support present Israeli Apartheid in occupied Palestine, and then they pretend to be against racism. They create wars of aggression and occupation; they murder men, women, children and babies through sophisticated weaponry and then win Nobel Peace Prizes given by none other than their allies. They steal people’s lands, destroy their homes, make them flee through genocide, holocaust and terror, and then they preach respect for Human Rights and the sanctity of sovereignty.

The fact that Tony Blair was replaced by Gordon Brown and George Bush replaced by Barack H Obama makes no difference to the fact that they are both actively supporting the occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine, even though they did not initiate those invasions, as well as supporting dictatorships in Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, and more. Perpetrators of and accessories to occupation and terror have the blood of men, women, children and babies on their hands and they must be brought to justice and not be awarded Nobel Peace Prizes. Nobel Terror Prizes would have been more appropriate. It is revolting that the Norwegian Nobel Committee, under the chairmanship of Thorbjoern Jagland, should award such prize to Barack H Obama or to anyone who support and condone such crimes against humanity. In his 1895 will, Alfred Nobel stipulated that the peace prize should go "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations and the abolition or reduction of standing armies and the formation and spreading of peace congresses."

Barack H Obama should order American invaders out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Diego Garcia, should stop supporting and arming Israeli terror in Palestine so that Palestine may be freed, should stop supporting and arming dictatorships, should close all bases and torture camps around the world and destroy all US’s nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. Only then, the civilised world can consider him as a candidate for the award of any peace prize. Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize not because he was a freedom fighter seeking justice for South Africans and for bringing murderers of South Africans to justice, but for not seeking such justice. Yasser Arafat of the PLO was awarded Nobel Peace Prize not for his struggle to free Palestine from the clutches of occupation and terror but for recognising an illegal state created by European terrorists in Palestine. Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize not for making peace as he was the maker of wars. Like George Bush, Barack H Obama is a mere Zionist puppet. The real Nobel Peace Prizes should be awarded to those who are fighting against occupation and terror and for their freedom.

Palestinians and numerous others are revolted that such an award was made on 9th October 2009 to Barack H Obama, US President only since January 2009, when he made no concrete accomplishments except expressing some good intentions. He does not even recognise the rights of Palestinians in their own homeland stolen by Zionists. Obama is a fanatical supporter of European-Israeli occupation of Palestine. His wife, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama has Jewish roots. She and Capers Funnye, the country’s prominent black Jewish Rabbi, are first cousins once removed. His Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, is an American-Israeli and son of Benjamin Emanuel, member of the terrorist organisation Irgun. Barack H Obama takes his orders from the Jewish lobby which, in turn, is controlled by Tel-Aviv. Before he was elected President, he made his ‘pilgrimage’ to occupied Palestine and took the oath to support the continuing occupation of Palestine by Zionists and to ‘defend’ Israel in the process. The Nobel Peace Prize has completely lost its meaning. Observers are shocked as Obama took office less than two weeks before the 1 February 2009 nomination deadline. It is clearly a fix, as the Nobel Peace Prize is becoming more of a political instrument.

M Rafic Soormally

9th October 2009

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