More on alleged Mossad spy arrested in Algeria
Forged passports
On March 29, intelNews reported on allegations by the Algerian government that an Israeli intelligence agent had been arrested in the country, after he was found to be carrying a forged Spanish passport. The next day, Algerian authorities identified the man only as “Alberto”, and insisted he was a member of the Mossad, Israel’s foremost external intelligence agency. News sources have now identified the man’s forged identity as “Alberto Vagilo”, which appears to be the name listed on his Spanish travel documentation. According to Algerian government officials, the man, whose year of birth is listed as 1975 in his Spanish passport, entered the North African country in mid-March, via a regularly scheduled flight from Barcelona, Spain. He then operated in Algeria for ten days, before he was captured by Algerian security agents. The Spanish and Israeli governments have so far remained silent on the case, as has Washington. As intelNews reported on March 30, there are rumors in Algiers that the scandal-prone US embassy there has been involved in the case, and that it was for this reason that FBI deputy director John Pistole traveled to Algeria last week.