Sarkozy, Balladur et Leotard sont egalement cités dans le scandale du GIA ou affaire plus connue sous le nom de code 'Operation November 1950' ou les preuves demontrent que la DST a crée les GIAs grace aux juifs sionistes de la France-Israel infiltrés a Alger, le general Larbi Belkheir (decedé), et le general de la DST, Mohamed Mediene dit Tewfik (les flics de la DCRI viennent de hacker mes emails et s'en servent pour envoyer des messages avec mon identité personnelle, ca ressemble a du deja vu, la DST ayant declaré mon passeport volé en 2005, juste apres la publication de preuves impliquant Sarkozy dans les attentats de Madrid et indirectement ceux de Londres). Serait-on a quelques jours du prochain 11 Septembre en Europe et aux attentats a la bombe sale ou Sarkozy est la aussi impliqué?
L'israelien, rira bien qui rira le dernier ! Regarde bien la caméra en face pas comme en 2005 ! Voici le genre d'emails que Squarcini et Tewfik envoient avec mon identité :Civilities,
Speech of welcome,
I work as a manager at a large company. Our company is engaged in different areas of activity, such as:
- supporting business in Europe and other countries
- bank accounts opening and maintenance
- private undertaking services
- etc.
We are searching for partners in Europe:
- wages 2300euro+bonus
- partial employment
- flextime
If you are ready to work as a regional manager in Europe send us the below information:
Full name:
Telephone Number:
Attention! We need European residents only
Please, write your Telephone Number and our manager will contact you to conduct an interview.
Squarcini vient de m'en envoyer un autre, il a pas l'air content:
An import export company seeks remote employees.
Our company specializes in marketing and selling of the various products on the Internet and our goal is to connect sellers and buyers
for various products online thus assuring the best possible outcome for the both parties involved.
Being foreign company makes it harder to manage sales transactions with US customers,
thus we are looking for support of regional customer service representative.
The main duties include receiving and making payments on client's behalf, managing the preparation and distribution
for expected transactions and ensuring accuracy and promptness of payments and reports.
Number of expected transactions per week: from 2-3 (at the beginning of work) to 5-7 (after the first probation month).
1. Base salary(after a month evaluation period), commissions + monthly bonuses
2. All banking and cellphone expenses covered
3. Earnings in addition to your current job
4. No need to sell anything or look for customers
1. Mobile and stationary phone
2. Access to e-mail via Internet or mobile phone
3. Minimum age: 25
4. Bank account
If you are interested in this job, please, send us your contact information:
First Name:
Last name:
Country of living:
Our contacts:,
I'll answer you as soon as possible.
Abu Suleyman
Scandale : Mensonge d'Etat sur l'attentat de Karachi en 2002