شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Actualisation des évenements de la flotille de la Liberté (anglais et francais)

Sheykh Raed Salah, believed to have been killed during the israel massacres this morning. Brothers in Palestine just confirmed that the Sheykh is martyr (Shahid). Ina lillahi wa ina ileyhi raji3oun. AlJazeera, without any evidence, is still claiming that Sheykh Raed Salah is alive while the relatives of the sheykh had no contact with him or any other people kidnapped in high sea.

Israeli Flotilla Hit Part Of Broader Military Agenda

Turkey To Send New Flotilla - Defended By The Turkish Navy

Does Israel Rule the World?

Israel: The Pariah of the International Community

Israel Forces Fired On Sleeping Civillians Under Cover Of Darkness

Turkish Sources - Israeli Advance Target Assassination List Found on Flotilla

Israeli Death List lost by Israeli Soldier during raid

Former CIA Officer's McGovern & Giraldi: Israel Controls U.S. Government & Media


Israel's Attack on Us All

Attack against Freedom Flotilla is a terrorist act and a crime against humanity

Netanyahu and his cabinet brace for their survival now, cancels his visit in occupied USA, a country zionist jews control.

: International outrage after Israel kill 22 peace activists and humanitarian workers

Watch live streaming video from insaniyardim at livestream.com


For Arabic speakers, live stream :





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This israeli attack is a prelude of a global war in the Middle East : Arab puppet states Saudis, Egypt and Jordan put their army on high alert, same for Lebanon, Syria, Turkey. Our sources confirmed that France, Germany, Italy, Spain did the same as members of NATO, this was requested by the white house 48 hours ago. This agression is a direct provocation to war against the new axis Turkey-Syria-Iran... These countries are the target of the Obama-Netanyahu plan, as North Korea !

Sources confirmed that Turkey army has ordered represails in Northern Iraq and a possible ground invasion. Turkish army received order to no reply to any american, NATO or israeli provocation at the moment, until they coordinate with their allies in the region. American, British put their bases in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuweit and the Gulf in ' active combat phase', which means that the countries hosting these bases are now in full control of the pentagon. Which mean any attack on Iran from Saudi Arabia bases or any Gulf country will trigger a world war, as planned by Tel Aviv.

Israel Forces Fired On Sleeping Civillians Under Cover Of Darkness

Steve Watson
Monday, May 31st, 2010

Israel  Forces Fired On Sleeping Civillians Under Cover Of Darkness  310510attackWhile the Israeli government is praising it’s soldiers as heroes and saying they were acting in self defence by firing on unarmed civilians flying a white flag in international waters, one group involved with the Freedom Flotilla has a quite different story.

A spokeswoman for Israel Defence Forces (IDF), Avital Leibovich, claims that Israeli officers gave several warnings before boarding the the Turkish boat, the Mavi Marmara.

Somehow, according to Leibovich, when the soldiers did board the boat, they were then attacked by unarmed activists and relieved of their guns – a claim that is not backed up by video footage of the ambush.

Leibovich told reporters “We found ourselves in the middle of a lynching,”

“We didn’t look for confrontation but it was a massive attack,” she said. “What happened was a last resort.”

This story is on its face ridiculous.

The following press release came from Freegaza.com , one of the aid groups involved in the flotilla, in the wake of the attack:

Under darkness of night, Israeli commandoes dropped from a helicopter onto the Turkish passenger ship, Mavi Marmara, and began to shoot the moment their feet hit the deck.

They fired directly into the crowd of civilians asleep. According to the live video from the ship, two have been killed, and 31 injured. Al Jazeera has just confirmed the numbers.

Streaming video shows the Israeli soldiers shooting at civilians, and our last SPOT beacon said, “HELP, we are being contacted by the Israelis.”

As things currently stand 20 people are thought to have been killed in the attack.

While the IDF and the Israeli government claim that their soldiers were attacked by violent political agitators wielding knives, several videos of those on board the boats and scenes from their voyage reveal that they are peaceful civilians that could not possibly constitute any threat to one of the most powerful armies on the planet.

In the following clip American born pro-Palestinian activist Huwaida Arraf, the Free Gaza Movement chairperson and delegation co-coordinator for the flotilla, explains the mission of the flotilla noting that “Israel is threatening to attack us, to use force if necessary when it is obvious that we are average civilians, we don’t constitute any threat except for the fact that we want to stand up for the right of the Palestinian people to lead a life with dignity.”

Arraf is also the co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), the stated mission of which is to “resist the Israeli occupation of the West Bank using nonviolent tactics”.

Just before being kidnapped by Israel, Arraf stated that: “No one could possibly believe that our small boat constitutes any sort of threat to Israel. We carry medical and reconstruction supplies, and children’s toys. Our passengers include a Nobel peace prize laureate and a former U.S. congressperson. Our boat was searched and received a security clearance by Cypriot Port Authorities before we departed, and at no time did we ever approach Israeli waters.”

As this Reuters clip from almost two weeks ago highlights, the activists and humanitarian workers were outraged at the fact that the Israeli government openly announced that it would use force against unarmed civilians if they attempted to break the blockade against Gaza:

Here is another video of one of the activists involved with the Freedom Flotilla, Irishman Shane Dillon, Mate on Challenger 1. The scenes aboard the boat clearly show that this was a humanitarian mission, not some kind of dangerous guerilla fleet:

The boat in this clip, in addition to another boat, Challenger II, are are flagged and registered in the United States which means they are U.S. territory.

The Free Gaza movement has stated “Therefore we expect the U.S. government to intervene if U.S. property is wrongly confiscated by Israeli authorities as they have threatened.”

The ships, manned by 700-800 activists and politicians from more than 40 countries, are carrying 10,000 tonnes of cargo including building materials, medical supplies and paper for schools. One boat is carrying a complete dental surgery including drills, another has crayons and chocolate intended for Gazan children. All the cargo has been paid for by public donations.

Other videos and images of the flotilla featured on the Witnessgaza.com website show that the boats were clearly marked as humanitarian vessels:

For elements of the mainstream media to publish, without any challenge, comments by Israeli officials claiming that this mission was violent or dangerous in any way shape or form is utterly reprehensible.

Not content with violating every international humanitarian agreement there is, the Israeli government with its latest actions is now engaged in violation of the UN convention on the Law of The Sea, which provides for “freedom of navigation” and states that “The high seas shall be reserved for peaceful purposes.”

The Palestinian people have been preparing for over a month to receive the aid boats, working on deepening the harbour in Gaza:

Now thanks to the Israeli “heroes” that ambushed and slaughtered sleeping humanitarians in the night, all that hard work will go unrewarded.

Boucherie israélienne en pleine mer

Publié le mardi 1er juin 2010 sur le site info-palestine.net
par Gilad Atzmon/Dissident Voice

C’est maintenant aux nations de bouger, et de faire monter une pression décisive sur Israël et ses citoyens... Dès maintenant, tout Israélien doit être considéré comme un criminel de guerre, sauf preuve contraire.

Certains de ceux qui ont ordonné cette boucherie

Au moment où j’écris ce texte, l’ampleur de la tuerie meurtrière israélienne en mer n’est pas encore bien connue. Cependant, nous savons déjà que vers 4 h du matin, heure de Gaza, des centaines de commandos des forces de défense israéliennes ont pris d’assaut la flottille du mouvement international humanitaire, Free Gaza. Nous apprenons de la presse arabe qu’au moins 16 (19) militants pour la paix ont été assassinés et plus de 50, blessés. Une fois encore, il est terriblement évident qu’Israël n’essaie pas de cacher sa véritable nature : une entreprise collective meurtrière inhumaine, alimentée par une psychose et conduite par la paranoïa.

Pendant des jours, le gouvernement israélien a préparé la société israélienne à ce massacre en mer. Il a prétendu que la Flottille transportait des armes, qu’il y avait des « terroristes » à bord. C’est seulement hier soir qu’il m’est apparu que cette campagne médiatique malveillante d’Israël était lancée pour préparer l’opinion israélienne à une opération militaire meurtrière et de grande ampleur, dans les eaux internationales. Ne vous méprenez pas. Si je n’ai vu qu’hier soir où Israël allait exactement et quelles seraient les conséquences possibles, le cabinet israélien et l’élite militaire en ont été pleinement conscients tout au long du processus. Ce qui s’est passé n’est pas juste une attaque de pirates terroriste. C’est en réalité un assassinat en plein jour, même s’il s’est produit dans l’obscurité.

Hier à 22 h, j’ai contacté Free Gaza et j’ai partagé avec eux tout ce que je savais. J’ai évidement compris que ces centaines de militants pour la paix, la plupart des gens assez âgés, avaient peu de chances contre la machine à tuer israélienne. J’ai prié toute la nuit pour nos frères et sœurs. A 5 h (GMT) ce matin, la nouvelle a éclaté dans le monde. Dans les eaux internationales, Israël venait d’attaquer le convoi international innocent, des navires qui transportent du ciment, du papier et de l’aide médicale pour les Gazaouis assiégés. Les Israéliens ont utilisé des balles réelles, tuant et blessant tout autour d’eux.

Aujourd’hui, nous allons assister à des manifestations à travers le monde, à de nombreuses manifestations de deuil. Nous verrons même quelques amis d’Israël « prendre position » contre le massacre. De toute évidence, ça ne suffira pas.

Le massacre qui a eu lieu était une opération israélienne préméditée. Israël voulait du sang, parce qu’il croit que sa « puissance de dissuasion » grandit avec le nombre de morts qu’il laisse derrière lui. La décision israélienne d’utiliser des centaines de commandos contre des civils a été prise par le cabinet israélien et le haut commandement militaire israélien. Ce que nous avons vu, ce n’est pas juste un échec sur le terrain. Il s’agit en réalité d’un échec institutionnel d’une société morbide qui, depuis longtemps, a perdu tout contact avec l’humanité.

Ce n’est pas un secret que les Palestiniens vivent sous un siège depuis des années. Mais c’est maintenant aux nations de bouger, et de faire monter une pression décisive sur Israël et ses citoyens. Etant donné que ce massacre a été perpétré par une armée populaire qui a suivi les instructions données par un gouvernement « démocratiquement élu », dès maintenant, tout Israélien doit être considéré comme un criminel de guerre, sauf preuve contraire.

Considérant le fait qu’Israël a pris d’assaut des navires battant pavillon irlandais, turc et grec, les membres de Nations unies et les pays de l’Union européenne doivent immédiatement cesser toute relation avec Israël et fermer leur espace aérien aux avions israéliens.

Considérant les dernières infos d’hier selon lesquelles des sous-marins nucléaires israéliens se trouvent dans le Golfe, le monde doit réagir rapidement et sévèrement.

Israël est dorénavant officiellement dément et assassin. L’Etat juif n’est pas simplement insouciant de la vie humaine, comme nous l’avons cru durant sa campagne de presse qui a mené à cette boucherie, Israël en réalité, prend plaisir à infliger la souffrance et la dévastation aux autres.

Gilad Atzmon est écrivain et musicien de jazz, il vit à Londres. Son dernier CD : In Loving Memory of America.
Son site :

31 mai 2010, 11:58 AM - Gilad Atzmon - Vidéo sur Dissident Voice - traduction : JPP

Lien de l'article: http://www.info-palestine.net/article.php3?id_article=8817

Sheikh Raed Salah, blessé d’une balle dans la tête, est dans un état critique

Publié le lundi 31 mai 2010 sur le site info-palestine.net (lundi 31 mai: 16h34)
par Ma’an News

Sheikh Raed Salah a été grièvement blessé par les forces israéliennes qui ont attaqué « la Flottille de la Liberté » lundi matin, et il est actuellement traité à l’hôpital Tel Hashomer Israël pour une blessure par balle à la tête.

Sheikh Raed Salah, président du mouvement islamique en Israël

Salah est le dirigeant de la branche nord du Mouvement islamique en Israël. Des protestations massives sont attendues dans le nord, les citoyens palestiniens d’Israël qualifiant dès à présent l’incident de tentative d’assassinat.

Salah avait annoncé sa participation à la flottille lors d’une conférence en Allemagne il y a trois semaines, au cours de laquelle il a appelé les Palestiniens de la Diaspora à continuer à lutter pour leur droit au retour.

Salah s’était vu récemment interdire l’entrée dans la mosquée Al-Aqsa suite à des accusations selon lesquelles il avait, en 2007, agressé un officier israélien lors des manifestations sur le site sacré où il a mené des mobilisations contre les fouilles israéliennes autour d’Al-Aqsa.

Il avait appelé les responsables musulmans et chrétiens à tenir une réunion à Jérusalem-Est pour faire valoir leur opposition à ces fouilles. Mais la réunion avait été interdite par les autorités israéliennes [d’occupation] qui affirmaient que l’organisation à l’origine de la réunion, la Fondation Al-Aqsa, était affiliée au Hamas [mouvement de la résistance palestinienne].

Les organisateurs ont alors insisté sur la tenue de la réunion et l’ont transférée dans un autre hôtel, mais les forces israéliennes sont intervenues et ont cassé le rassemblement. Salah avait ensuite déclaré au journal britannique The Guardian : « le comportement des forces de sécurité israéliennes est infantile... »

Salah avait été acquitté de toutes les charges le mois dernier.

En mai 2003, Salah avait été arrêté et détenu par les forces israéliennes sur l’accusation de financer le Hamas, et il avait purgé deux ans dans une prison israélienne. À sa libération une interdiction de voyager a été émise contre lui, l’empêchant de quitter les frontières contrôlées par Israël et lui imposant de se présenter auprès de la police tous les mois.

Cheikh Salah a fait plusieurs observations sur la relation des juifs avec le Mur des Lamentations, certifiant que ce mur faisait partie du complexe d’al-Aqsa. Salah a été cité par le site électronique du journal israélien Yedioth Aharonoth comme disant que « Le Mur des Lamentations - sur toutes les diverses parties, les structures et les portes, [...] est une partie inséparable du complexe d’al Aqsa. Celui qui dit que les juifs ou l’establishment israélien a des droits sur al-Aqsa, même sur une seule pierre, commet une attaque abominable, un mensonge totalement infondé. »

31 mai 2010 - Ma’an News - Vous pouvez consulter cet article à :
Traduction : Info-Palestine.net

Lien de l'article: http://www.info-palestine.net/article.php3?id_article=8815

Global Outrage as Israel Kills 20 on Aid Flotilla

By Christopher Bollyn,


May 31, 2010

At least 15 civilians were killed by Israeli forces on 31 May 2010 when the Israelis launched a pre-dawn commando raid on the international civilian aid flotilla headed for the blockaded population of Gaza. The Israeli raid occurred in international waters which makes it a "gross breach of international law", as a statement from the Turkish Foreign Ministry noted.

Israeli attacks on Gaza aid fleet "a gross breach of international law"

Israeli forces have attacked a flotilla of aid-carrying ships aiming to break the country's siege on Gaza. At least 15 people were killed and dozens injured when troops intercepted the convoy of ships dubbed the Freedom Flotilla early on Monday, the Israeli military said.

The flotilla was attacked in international waters, 65km off the Gaza coast.

Footage from the flotilla's lead vessel, the Mavi Marmara, showed armed Israeli soldiers boarding the ship and helicopters flying overhead. Al Jazeera's Jamal Elshayyal, on board the Mavi Marmara, said Israeli troops had used live ammunition during the operation.

The Free Gaza Movement, the organisers of the flotilla, said Israeli troops opened fire as soon as they stormed the convoy. Our correspondent said that a white surrender flag was raised from the ship and there was no live fire coming from the passengers.

Before losing communication with our correspondent, a voice in Hebrew was clearly heard saying: "Everyone shut up".

International Outrage:

"People certainly have the right to resist if they're being attacked. We taught our Free Gaza Movement people to be non-violent, and the Turks did the same, but if anyone resisted, it was in response to soldiers opening fire on them when they hit the deck."
- Greta Berlin, one of the flotilla organisers, rejecting Israel's claim that the activists were the first ones to start shooting. Berlin said there were no weapons on board the boats, and that any violence from the activists would have been in self-defense.

“The attack clearly shows Israel's aggressive nature and its disrespect to international and humanitarian rules and laws. We call on the international community to take immediate steps against Israel, a rogue state that practices all forms of terrorism and piracy, and instigates tension and instability in the region and in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.”
- Amr Moussa, Secretary General, Arab League
“The Palestinian leadership is closely following the developments and the President calls on the United Nations to confront Israel, which is disregarding all international laws and norms. The attack on the Flotilla is an attack against humanity. This incident will have grave consequences in the region and the world.”
- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

“The Israeli attack on the aid convoy is a dangerous and crazy step that will exacerbate tensions in the region. Lebanon firmly denounces this attack and calls on the international community, notably major powers... to take action in order to end this continued violation of human rights and threat to international peace.”
- Saad Hariri, Prime Minister of Lebanon

“The interception on the convoy is unacceptable ... Israel will have to bear the consequences of its actions. We strongly condemn it and await an immediate explanation. By targeting innocent civilians, Israel has once again clearly displayed that does not value human lives and peaceful initiatives. We forcefully condemn these inhumane activities by Israel. The incident that occurred in open sea -- which is a gross breach of international law -- could cause irrevocable consequences for our relations. We wish to express our condolences to the bereaved families of the deceased, and swift recovery to the wounded.”
- Statement from Turkish Foreign Ministry
"Israel attacks Gaza aid fleet", Al Jazeera, May 31, 2010

"Outrage over Israel attack", Al Jazeera, May 31, 2010

Al-Khatib : la situation du Cheikh Raed Salah est très critique (12h07)

Al-Nassera – CPI


Le vice-président du mouvement islamique dans les territoires palestiniens occupés en 1948, Kamal al-Khatib, a affirmé que la blessure du Cheikh Raed Salah est très critique.

"Le cheikh Raed Salah va subir plusieurs opérations chirurgicale, à la tête, après qu'il a été attaqué violemment par les forces sionistes; sa situation est très critique", a dit al-Khatib en déclarant qu'il se trouve à l'hôpital de Tel Hachoumir, à Tel-Aviv.

Il a ajouté qu'Allah seulement peut sauver la vie du Cheikh Raed Salah.

Israel kill 22 peace activists and humanitarian workers

The Israeli navy has stormed one of six ships carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza strip, with at least two people reported killed.

Israel's Channel 10 private TV puts the death toll at about 14. Israel has so far declined to comment.

The exact location of the interception is unclear. Israel had warned the ships not to enter its territorial waters.

The ships are carrying 10,000 tonnes of aid to the Gaza Strip in an effort to break an Israeli blockade.

Turkish TV pictures taken on board the Turkish ship leading the flotilla show Israeli soldiers fighting to control passengers.

The footage showed a number of people, apparently injured, lying on the ground. The sound of gunshots could be heard. It is not clear whether the fighting is ongoing.

Al-Jazeera TV reported from the same ship that Israeli navy forces had fired and boarded the vessel, wounding the captain.

The Al-Jazeera broadcast ended with a voice shouting in Hebrew, "Everybody shut up!"

Organisers of the flotilla say at least 30 people were wounded in the incident.

The six-ship flotilla left international waters off the coast of Cyprus on Sunday and was expected to arrive in Gaza later on Monday.

Israel has said it would stop the boats, calling the campaign a "provocation intended to delegitimise Israel".

An economic blockade was imposed by Israel after the Islamist movement Hamas took power in Gaza.

Israel says it allows about 15,000 tones of humanitarian aid into Gaza every week.

But the United Nations says this is less than a quarter of what is needed.

Hamas, a militant palestinian group that controls the Gaza strip, has fired thousands of rockets into Israel over the past decade.

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