By Christopher Bollyn,
July 29, 2010
A U.S. soldier in Afghanistan. Thousands of American servicemen will bear the heavy spiritual and psychological burden of having participated and killed innocent people in a fraudulent and criminal war. Why are we really fighting this war in Central Asia?
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Galatians 6:7
For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright, who art as black as hell, as dark as night.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Galatians 6:7
For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright, who art as black as hell, as dark as night.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832)
Nine years ago this week Larry Silverstein and his partner, the former Israeli commando Frank Lowy, closed the deal on the 99-year lease of the World Trade Center. Silverstein and Lowy, devoted agents of the state of Israel and its Zionist fund-raising organizations in New York, immediately had their leased WTC property and future rental earnings insured against a terror attack exactly like that which occurred only seven weeks later. Having obtained the lease with borrowed funds, Silverstein promptly raised rents forty percent.
Unlike the Twin Towers, Larry Silverstein actually owned WTC 7, the 47-story building that fell straight down into it's footprint at about 5:25 p.m. on 9-11, in what was clearly a controlled demolition. All three towers demolished on 9-11 were under Silverstein's control and although he openly admitted on camera that he had decided to "pull" WTC 7, his revealing comments have never been investigated by the authorities of New York City or the federal government. Whoever placed the super-thermite and other explosive charges in the Twin Towers probably did so during the seven weeks before 9-11 that Silverstein controlled access to the towers. Apart from all the other questions, Silverstein has never been held to account for the fact that the escape doors to the roof of both towers had been locked. Why were rooftop evacuations not attempted?
In the following video Silverstein comments on his decision to "pull" WTC 7:
In the following video 9-11 truth activists shame Silverstein. This is what Ehud Barak, Ehud Olmert, and every other criminal involved in the 9-11 cover-up should get from the public.
While Larry Silverstein is certainly one of the key players in the false-flag terrorism of 9-11, it is unlikely that he is one of the high-level architects of the master plan behind the terror atrocity. He is more likely to be a high-level sayan, a devoted Zionist Jew and "useful idiot", who carried out an essential function in a large and complex operation. The master plan behind the "false-flag" terrorism of 9-11 was to deceive the U.S. government and western nations into occupying Afghanistan and waging an open-ended "War on Terror" against those Middle Eastern nations that resist the hegemony of the Rothschild-funded Zionist state of Israel. Ehud Barak, the current defense minister of Israel, was the first person to call for a U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, something he did shortly after the towers were demolished on the Rothschild-controlled BBC World television network.
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The war in Afghanistan has already cost U.S. taxpayers more than 286 thousand million (billion) dollars, while the war in Iraq has burned up some 736 thousand million (billion) dollars. All of that money has been borrowed, i.e. created by debt to commercial banks like those owned by the house of Rothschild, which has a two-hundred year history of formenting war for profit. The Rothschild group is deeply engaged in gold, diamond, and gas and oil mining operations worldwide. Afghanistan is an extremely wealthy nation in terms of mineral resources and it also occupies a crucial location between the Mossad-controlled gas fields of Turkmenistan and the lucrative markets for that gas in India and China. The Rothchild family of London and Paris was the main financier and driving force behind the creation of the state of Israel, although most of the family continues to live in its mansions in Europe. An Israeli member of the family, Major General Danny Rothschild, runs the policy and strategy unit at the Mossad think tank/school known as the Inter-Disciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya near Tel Aviv.
As the recent disclosure of some 91,000 reports from the war in Afghanistan reveals, the war is far more brutal and criminal than most Americans thought. These disturbing reports were published on WikiLeaks on the same day that Silverstein obtained the WTC lease - nine years after.
The war in Afghanistan is a criminal war and occupation because it is based on the lies that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida, supposedly based in Afghanistan, carried out the terrorism of 9-11. This criminal deceit continues, like a tug-of-war, between those who are part of the deception and those who are fighting for the truth of what really happened on 9-11.
President Barack Obama is waging the war in Afghanistan because, he says, the terrorism of 9-11 came from there. The Obama administration, however, refuses to discuss the crucial discovery of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center, which reveals that an advanced explosive coating made using nanotechnology was used to pulverize the concrete floors of the Twin Towers. The same officials who support the criminal deception about what happened on 9-11 have used these lies to pull the United States and its allies into the criminal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The former Danish prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, now Secretary General of NATO, for example, wrote an editorial entitled "Moving On in Afghanistan", which was published internationally by the New York Times on July 19, 2010. Rasmussen stressed the false connection between the war in Afghanistan and 9-11:
In the tug-of-war over the truth of 9-11, Rasmussen, Obama, and Clinton are really just "the people in between", pulling as they are told to do by those who pay them. They are certainly not the masters of the nine-year-old deception about 9-11, which raises the question, "Who is really behind the deception?"
In my book, Solving 9-11 - The Deception that Changed the World, I explain the Israeli and Zionist role in the false-flag terror atrocity. While Israeli terrorists like Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon, and Ehud Olmert were evidently involved in the terror attacks there must be an even higher master behind them, one which has complete control over the U.S. and British governments and mass media. The ultimate mastermind of 9-11must also have control over Israeli politicians and their military intelligence, as well as the sprawling Zionist Masonic network headed by the B'nai B'rith. Audacious as the Israeli Mossad is, it would not attack New York City and kill thousands of Americans if it did not have complete backing from the "international banking cartel" that controls the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve System, and the U.S. White House and Congress. There is only one entity that has such power and control - the House of Rothschild. Two steps removed perhaps, but connected to all culprits of the 9-11 atrocity and the nine-year cover-up.
Sources and Recommended Reading:
"Deal is Signed to Take Over Trade Center", by Charles V. Bagli, New York Times, April 27, 2001
"Governor Pataki, Acting Governor Difrancesco Laud Historic Port Authority Agreement To Privatize World Trade Center", Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Press Release, July 24, 2001
While Larry Silverstein is certainly one of the key players in the false-flag terrorism of 9-11, it is unlikely that he is one of the high-level architects of the master plan behind the terror atrocity. He is more likely to be a high-level sayan, a devoted Zionist Jew and "useful idiot", who carried out an essential function in a large and complex operation. The master plan behind the "false-flag" terrorism of 9-11 was to deceive the U.S. government and western nations into occupying Afghanistan and waging an open-ended "War on Terror" against those Middle Eastern nations that resist the hegemony of the Rothschild-funded Zionist state of Israel. Ehud Barak, the current defense minister of Israel, was the first person to call for a U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, something he did shortly after the towers were demolished on the Rothschild-controlled BBC World television network.
"There is a much larger group behind these [9/11 attacks] which is the international banking cartel which controls trillions of dollars and which has an interest in controlling countries in the Middle East which are not under their control."
- Professor Steven E. Jones on KUER (Salt Lake City's NPR affiliate), September 5, 2006
I have been reading many articles on the 9-11 atrocity and other major world events. I am a 46-year-old Ashkenazi Jew from London, England. I believe the Rothschilds and the banking conspiracy are behind EVERYTHING. When I bring the subject up with my peers and family, I am told it is anti-Semitic nonsense, probably paid for by the Saudi Arabians.
- Letter to, April 2010
The cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is more than 1 trillion U.S. dollars.
- Professor Steven E. Jones on KUER (Salt Lake City's NPR affiliate), September 5, 2006
I have been reading many articles on the 9-11 atrocity and other major world events. I am a 46-year-old Ashkenazi Jew from London, England. I believe the Rothschilds and the banking conspiracy are behind EVERYTHING. When I bring the subject up with my peers and family, I am told it is anti-Semitic nonsense, probably paid for by the Saudi Arabians.
- Letter to, April 2010
The cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is more than 1 trillion U.S. dollars.
See -
As the recent disclosure of some 91,000 reports from the war in Afghanistan reveals, the war is far more brutal and criminal than most Americans thought. These disturbing reports were published on WikiLeaks on the same day that Silverstein obtained the WTC lease - nine years after.
The war in Afghanistan is a criminal war and occupation because it is based on the lies that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida, supposedly based in Afghanistan, carried out the terrorism of 9-11. This criminal deceit continues, like a tug-of-war, between those who are part of the deception and those who are fighting for the truth of what really happened on 9-11.
President Barack Obama is waging the war in Afghanistan because, he says, the terrorism of 9-11 came from there. The Obama administration, however, refuses to discuss the crucial discovery of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center, which reveals that an advanced explosive coating made using nanotechnology was used to pulverize the concrete floors of the Twin Towers. The same officials who support the criminal deception about what happened on 9-11 have used these lies to pull the United States and its allies into the criminal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The former Danish prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, now Secretary General of NATO, for example, wrote an editorial entitled "Moving On in Afghanistan", which was published internationally by the New York Times on July 19, 2010. Rasmussen stressed the false connection between the war in Afghanistan and 9-11:
After the tragedy of 9/11, indifference was no longer an option. Engagement was our only choice. Leaving Afghanistan to its own devices would have spelled more instability there, and more terrorist attacks worldwide...Our objective is clear: to ensure that Afghanistan does not again become a safe haven for terrorism.
In my book, Solving 9-11 - The Deception that Changed the World, I explain the Israeli and Zionist role in the false-flag terror atrocity. While Israeli terrorists like Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon, and Ehud Olmert were evidently involved in the terror attacks there must be an even higher master behind them, one which has complete control over the U.S. and British governments and mass media. The ultimate mastermind of 9-11must also have control over Israeli politicians and their military intelligence, as well as the sprawling Zionist Masonic network headed by the B'nai B'rith. Audacious as the Israeli Mossad is, it would not attack New York City and kill thousands of Americans if it did not have complete backing from the "international banking cartel" that controls the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve System, and the U.S. White House and Congress. There is only one entity that has such power and control - the House of Rothschild. Two steps removed perhaps, but connected to all culprits of the 9-11 atrocity and the nine-year cover-up.
Sources and Recommended Reading:
"Deal is Signed to Take Over Trade Center", by Charles V. Bagli, New York Times, April 27, 2001
"Governor Pataki, Acting Governor Difrancesco Laud Historic Port Authority Agreement To Privatize World Trade Center", Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Press Release, July 24, 2001