Charles Pasqua, a mossad officer and creator of the french police 'special squad unit' RAID, 26 years ago involved in the Mohammed Merah murder and mossadnik Nicolas Sarkozy. Charles Pasqua is the head the of French Gladio terrorist networks in France and North Africa (pieds noirs, Algerian jews, french terrorist organisations linked to the israeli military apparatus).
By Richard Cottrell,
The lone avenging angel of death aura surrounding Mohamed Merah is beginning to wear thin, even in the French mainstream media.
It is extremely doubtful if Merah had anything to do with the tragic
murders of the Jewish rabbi, his two children and another small girl, as
well as the attacks on the off-duty paratroopers with North African and
Caribbean backgrounds.
The man who tossed a really big spanner in the works
is the retired former director of DCRI (La Direction centrale du
renseignement intérieur, the French internal counter-espionage agency).
M. Yves Bonnet informed the main daily paper in Toulouse, Depeche de
Midi, “He [Merah] was known to the DCRI. Not especially because he was
an Islamist, but because he had a correspondent in domestic
And then he added for good measure, “When you have a correspondent, it’s not completely innocent. This is not trivial.”
Correspondent is spook–speak for handler.
M. Bonnet’s eventual successor as head of the agency, Bernard
Squarcini, was forced into the admission that during the prolonged siege
of the apartment where Merah was holing up, he asked to talk with a local DCRI agent – the “correspondent” – that he obviously knew.
Through the fog of lies and confusion it emerges that this is a female agent with a background in North Africa, like Merah.
Whether the request was granted remains a mystery, but the very fact
that this singular item of information is now in the public domain casts considerable doubt on the entire presentation of a radicalized Islamist on a shooting spree.
Merah never proclaimed associations with Al Qaeda (and a French official said that there was no evidence of such a link),
but given his secret service assignments that we encounter in a moment,
some kind of cover story such as that would offer credence during his
voyages abroad.
Note: Al Qaeda is the western-manufactured guerrilla force armed to
fight the Russian invaders of Afghanistan in the 1980’s. Their adherents
later fought on NATO’s side against the Serbs in the Balkan War.
Richard Holbrooke, the chief US envoy in the Balkans, called this
arrangement ‘the pact with the devil.’
What does emerge is the picture of a pliable young man with an
Algerian background signed up by French intelligence to spy on suspected
activists and their connections with potential troublemakers abroad.
Mohamed Merah was portrayed as a loner and sometime petty criminal,
so it is strange how he managed to assemble the funds for trips to Pakistan and Afghanistan, not to mention Israel, Turkey and Jordan.
Interestingly, a rather unusual source, the Italian neocon,
pro-Israeli newspaper Il Foglio, owned and funded by a fiercely
anti-Islamist recusant communist called Giuliano Ferrara, published
reports that French intelligence paid for Merah’s visit to Israel in
Given the paper that might not be sympathetic to this kind of information, the story should be taken with some confidence.
At the time these trips took place, Merah was supposed to be a
monitored terrorist suspect. It is more likely that unbeknown to
himself, he was already being profiled with an identi-kit personality
that would fit a deranged terrorist as the French presidential election
campaign moved into high gear almost two years later.
Nicholas Sarkozy himself gave the game away, in a throw-away remark largely ignored at the time but bearing
much significance now. Namely, that the authorities ‘knew’ who they
were looking for. Sarkozy’s style is always to blurt and bluster first
and regret it afterwards.
This is a classic instance that raises serious problems. The police
did not ‘know’ who shot at the soldiers but were in no doubts at all
after the attack at the school. The first soldier was killed on March
11th, another two on March 15th. Another five days passed before the
children and the rabbi teacher were killed on the 19th.
Another peculiar nugget came on March 17th when the police admitted
they had uncovered Merah’s IP code. Gosh, what a triumph for intensive
detection work.
Aside from the fact that anyone with fairly modest equipment can do
the same, nothing was then done to intercept Merah – clearly the chief
suspect in the murder of the soldiers – from wreaking further havoc.
This is known in the intel world as LIHOP, ‘let it happen on purpose.’
From one perspective, better evidence of some agency steering an
individual such as Merah would be hard to discover. I have studied many
examples for my forthcoming new book on the Gladio secret armies
, but unquestionably the case of Mohamed Merah rates as an absolute classic.
Bernard Squarcini, the head of DCRI, painted himself into a splendid
corner by insisting that his people in the Midi-Pyrenees branch of the
organization listed Merah as among a handful of individuals with
Jihadist sympathies.
Are we to believe that he was unaware that this arch suspect was reporting directly to one of his officers?
The picture grows murkier. Il Foglio also claimed that Merah was
working for the French foreign intelligence service DSGE. Of course this
is bizarre if it is true, as it probably is.
Two sets of spooks are paying the same man as informant and neither
knows what the other side is doing. This is not uncommon in the
intelligence hall of mirrors,
witness the football scrums between competing intelligence services in
the US and the UK. But in this case it may have cost an innocent man his
Much has been made of the impressive armory that Merah is supposed to have stored at his apartment.
This included we are told three Colt .45 pistols, a 9mm Sten submachine
gun, a Kalashnikov assault rifle, some kind of a pump-action shotgun
and a Colt .357 Python revolver.
Nothing about the story so far adds up. If Merah was a known and
listed Jihadist, then why was he not picked up on the grounds of owning
such a suspicious arsenal? How come the police did not know the address
of this suspicious figure?
Since it is admitted that Merah had a secret service handler, was he
supplied with weapons by that same source? Or were the weapons planted
after he was liquidated?
The latter is my contention.
The same police department claims it did not know where Merah lived
yet nonetheless viewed him as a suspicious character because of his
visits to Pakistan and Afghanistan.
He was actually hauled in and questioned on November 14th last year,
shortly after he returned from abroad. The inquiries seem then to have
been peremptorily dropped, presumably on the orders of his secret
service minder.
This is exactly the same pattern with Mohamed Bayouri, who stabbed the Islamophobe Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh to death in Amsterdam
in November 2004. It is worth adding here that Nardine Amrani, the
Arabic ‘Monster of Liege’ held responsible for the pre-Christmas
massacre in that Belgian city, was well known to the police. So was
Anders Behring Breivik, the purported Norwegian mass murderer of July
Breivik and Amrani amassed a large cache of weapons which the
authorities knew all about. Mohamed Ali Agca, the man convicted of
shooting Pope John Paul II, belonged to a Turkish criminal organization
called the Gray Wolves with old ties to the Gladio secret armies.
Any repetitive pattern like this tells an important story and speaks
of centralized origins from an identical story book and planning
Next, Merah was supposedly on a US-ordained no-fly list. Yet when the
NATO occupation authorities picked up him somewhere in Afghanistan,
they did no more than throw him out of the country, or so it was said.
To complicate matters further, German intelligence gave its opinion
that Merah had never been arrested or detained anyplace in the region.
It seems to me that the police were entirely out of the loop most of
the time. When the soldiers were attacked the story did the rounds that
disaffected paratroopers who had been fired from the military for
ultra-Right views were responsible.
Three such individuals were questioned and released. Look, if
military personnel really are sacked in France for holding Right-wing
semi-fascist opinions, then there would be practically nobody left in
the forces to don a uniform.
The same goes for the national gendarmerie for that matter.
So far we have glimpsed a picture which suggests that Merah was
sneaking for one if not two intelligence agencies in France, that he had
some kind of ‘untouchable’ status familiar to other secret services
outside France, and that his address was well known to the authorities
all along.
Now we dissect the eye witness reports, the important ones being from
those who were at the scene of the awful events outside the Jewish
As always, there is considerable difference between accounts (as a
former television journalist well accustomed to reporting scene of crime
incidents, I can attest that this is invariably the case).
The killer, whoever he was, arrived on a powerful Yamaha
super-charged motor scooter, calmly parked it and then started shooting
at random.
One witness reported that the gunman had ‘green eyes,’ another claimed to have had a good look at his face and noticed a tattoo.
If it was possible to see such details, then why not observe at the
same time whether the individual concerned was a white Caucasian or
someone with a darker skin tone implying northern Africa origins?
[Editor’s note: keep in mind, there were also early reports claiming
that the shooter actually had the visor of his motorcycle helmet down
during the course of the atrocity. That would make it quite difficult,
if not impossible, to make out such details.]
I am asking myself what killer in these highly-charged circumstances
would do anything other than make sure that no-one could identify his
Consider the detail of crash helmets. Bikers on a cultural hype generally go for the Darth Vader full face screen type.
The latex is generally tinted, so the features are not visible unless
the rider lifts the visor. The more common kind has only a partial
visor (not usually tinted) and a chinguard. This allows for clear
examination of facial features.
Now, obviously I have not seen any more than a fraction of the
witness accounts. But at this point I can find no conclusive evidence
that (a) Merah ‘had green eyes’ or (b) that he had a facial tattoo.
The regressive green eye gene (which I have, incidentally) is found
in genetic trends among some Arabs, but is not common. I have examined
the many media images of Merah and I have not found one so far that
depicts any form of tattoo.
The story of the Yamaha machine is also more than interesting. Once
again, media accounts vary wildly as to precisely how he came by it.
The running theme is that he answered a for-sale ad, took a trial
run, and then scooted off with it. The owner became suspicious because
he was telephoned, presumably by Merah, to get the instructions on how
to remove the GPS kit fitted to the machine. He decided to call the
police. So, did Merah steal the bike or not? Because this element of the
story suggests that he bought it.
The devil is always in the details in these matters. To steal the
machine, Merah needs the operating starter key. He has to obtain that
from the owner, so it needs to be a personal exchange, obviously.
In the circumstances, the owner will remember an image of the
prospective buyer. How well is he going to co-operate with someone who
has stolen his precious bike? Or alternatively, how does he sell his
property to someone he never sees?
Of course the subsequently circulated account of Merah the petty thief fits well with the stolen Yamaha theory.
Alternatively, Merah did purchase the machine, and then it was in
turn stolen from him by the parties that promoted the subsequent
attacks. Or, in another twist, a perfectly innocent citizen is riding
the machine around, while another altogether featured in the attacks.
Merah presumably would have realized that having committed frightful
atrocities, his life expectations would be rather poor to say the least.
Yet he bothered about removing the GPS gear, assumedly because it will
reveal his address, when he knows perfectly well that the intelligence
services know exactly where he resides, together with his wife.
Trying to knit together these disparate accounts suggests the fable factory is working overtime.
Finally, the exit. All France watches in abject mesmerized horror as
the police and special forces swarm around Merah’s apartment block,
accompanied by massed legions of ambulance personnel, reporters,
television cameramen, plus all the customary ghouls who hover at
once-in-a-lifetime events like this.
There is one word for this obscenity on top of those already committed.
Inside the apartment, alone, deprived of sleep by the cacophony
outside, it isn’t surprising that the incarcerated individual is slowly
going nuts. He probably does not understand at all why he is the focus
of such attention, so he begs to speak to his secret service handler.
I do not believe that there was ever any intention of permitting Merah to leave that place alive.
Rather, the agony was exquisitely prolonged to derive maximum
political impact as the presidential election campaign wound into
overdrive, the incumbent Nicholas Sarkozy feeling the hot breath on his
neck from his main challenger, the socialist contender Francois
The famous RAID rapid intervention squad was rapidly summoned to the
scene. The simplest and most effective way to root Merah out of his
refuge was by means of sleeping gas but instead the siege was prolonged
for no less than thirty two hours, until the sitting duck within was
exhausted. The RAID people then broke in guns blazing, thus ensuring
that dead men tell no tales.
Shortly after the ‘termination,’ the Al Jazeera news channel declared
that it possessed a video supposedly made by Merah, using camera
equipment strapped to his chest, portraying the murders in awful grisly
detail. The British Daily Telegraph gushed the unsubstantiated
rumor-as-news account that Merah copied the idea from the Norwegian
Anders Behring Breivik.
Much was made of French authorities begging the channel not to
release the footage (without any explanation as to how precisely it flew
by magic means to the Persian Gulf).
However, in terms of accuracy, the Norwegian authorities never found
any such video, nor camera equipment, although Breivik referred to the
idea in his obviously ghost written and rambling memoirs.
Nor did eye witnesses state report that the killer had any such equipment dangling around his neck or fixed to his clothes.
Rather more illuminating is the fact that Al Jazeera is owned by the
Gulf State of Qatar, through the Qatar Media Corporation. Qatar is a
regional sub-NATO base which hosts the US Central Command’s headquarters
in the Middle East.
The pocket state’s ruler, Khalifi bin Hamad Al Thani, is a close ally
and personal friend of President Nicholas Sarkozy. The Qatar Investment
Agency owns the iconic major league Paris Saint-Germain Football Club
on behalf of the sports mad emir.
This post deals exclusively with my initial assessment of forensic
inconsistencies in the conviction and liquidation of Mohamed Merah. The
next will concentrate on the highly disconcerting political background.
Let me say now that I consider that this affair ranks in empirical
political terms with the attack on Pope John Paul II (‘St. Petersgate’
in my book). It is that theme that I intend to address next.
For now let me suggest that the bleak events in and around Toulouse were quite possibly a long time in the making.
Richard Cottrell is a writer, journalist and former European MP (Conservative). His new book Gladio: NATO’s Dagger At The Heart Of Europe is now available from Progressive Press. You may order it using the link below (or by clicking here – Gladio, NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe: The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis
More at -
All similar stories never add up!
Charles Pasqua is one of the many henchmen of the French Kosher Nostra (FKN). The Judeo French Death Squad Unit called RAID is operational in many French occupied Central and Northern African countries. The French GLADIO Terrorist Networks scavenging France and North Africa (OAS Algerian Jews aka Pieds Noirs or “Black Feet” all of them work in close cooperation with the Terrorist Israeli Killing Machine.
If the US and the UK always get away with false flag operations blamed on Muslims and Arabs, I KNOW FOR SURE that French Muslims including the RACAILLE (product of French Cultural Terrorism and State oppression) will raise hell in Europe if the Money Jews are not stopped in time.
Before I had read anything about this MOSSAD false flag operation, I knew already at the very second I learnt about it that it was a State sponsored false flag operation with MOSSAD links like the MUMBAI MOSSAD-RAW-CHABAD LUBAVITCH ATTACKS! I am glad to read that Richard Cottrell finds it “extremely doubtful if Merah had anything to do with the tragic murders of the Jewish rabbi, his two children and another small girl, as well as the attacks on the off-duty paratroopers with North African and Caribbean backgrounds”. But, I have more than serious doubts!
the declaration of “the retired former director of DCRI (La Direction Centrale du Renseignement Intérieur, the French Internal Counter-Espionage Agency)”, Mr Yves Bonnet who declared to the main daily paper in Toulouse, Dépêche de Midi:
“He [Merah] was known to the DCRI. Not especially because he was an Islamist, but because he had a correspondent in domestic intelligence.”
“When you have a correspondent, it’s not completely innocent. This is not trivial.”
my reply Monday 1st of November 2010 to former Scotland Yard PETER POWER of Visor Consultants Ltd London
Sunday 8th of April 2012