شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Nor Israel nor NATO have the capacity to strike Iran and the Gulf. Israel will trigger a new NBC 9/11!

VIDEO: Israel’s Nuclear Smuggling: The Secret Israeli Espionage Program


The Corbett Report discuss with Grant F. Smith, Research Director for the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy at IRmep.org, the secret Israeli espionage program that smuggled nuclear materials out of the United States to help start the Israeli nuclear program in the 1960s. They go over the declassified documents tying Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to the smuggling ring, and explore Smith's book, Divert!: NUMEC, Zalman Shapiro and the diversion of US weapons grade uranium into the Israeli nuclear weapons program.



Video link: http://blip.tv/file/6325358 


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