شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Showing posts with the label Israel and the next 9/11Show all
Pour ceux qui n'ont pas encore compris que le prochain 11 septembre sera 'nucleaire, chimique, micro-biologique', et que la ville de Marseille sous controle juif sioniste est la cible...
Pax Talmudica 2012 : Israelis security companies such as ICTS, VERINT system, CONVERSE, G4S are a total scam and they failed during 9/11, 7/7, Madrid underground etc... There is a military censorship in the UK since 9/11in all the mainstream medias. Kicks back to the british autorities and government in charge of security (defense, homeland) with the 'private security contractors' are around 18 billions pounds, paid by the taxpayers. Now can anybody serious explained us why missiles had been deployed when the threat is clearly coming from the Litvinenko affair and the use of russian nuclear material buried on sites?
Alert : Israel wants an European Fukushima. Last year we warned you about possible attacks on nuclear plants by israelis running France, Germany and the UK with the exact same modus operandi used in Sweden...
Update on the London Olympics false flag : Frankfurt in Germany is monitoring nuclear signatures in Europe, it looks like that they are not doing their job properly, nor the Dutches are doing. If Putin decided not to go the G8 summit in Chicago, then he knows what the israelis are up to the 18 and 19 May 2012!
Why should America burn? A question the Britons should ask themselves as well, considering that EMP attack is their original plan!
Possible 100,000 expected to Die at the London 2012 Olympics Due To Nuclear Attack
"Al-Qaeda," "9/11 Truth": Case Studies in Controlled Opposition