شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Showing posts with the label LibyaShow all
Sur les massacres de Bani Walid et la guerre civile en Libye, le point de vue de l'Islaam selon le Quran et la Sunnah et non pas celui du sheykh Al Qaradhawi ou celui des sefarades faussaires des ahl  Saouds
Trois semaines apres l'operation israelienne de Benghazi, ou l'ambassadeur US Stevens, fut liquide par les reseaux likoudistes de la DGSE et l'OTAN. L'agent de la CIA, Mahmoud Djibril,  ancien leader du CNT, tres proche de l'administration Obama, accuse ouvertement Sarkozy, la DGSE et la DCRI d'avoir fait liquider le cousin de Gaddafi, Ali Majid Al Andalus a Sirte l'annee derniere...
The Racist anti-Islamic movie financed by Israelis talmudists is designed to attack the US in retaliation of Dempsey and the Obama administration refusal to obey Netanyahu orders and to give Romney a 'presidential agenda' which is 'Protect, Serve and Die for Israel'
One day before purim, Israel announces that she is dividing Libya in three provinces. The balkanization of North Africa and the civil war was the real endgame to steal the oil and gas. Never EU, NATO or the US wanted to help the oppressed Libyan people. The 1982 Oded Ynon plan of total destruction of all the Arab states is at work behind the fakery of the 'Arab Springs'. Israel through mossadniks Sarkozy, Bernard Henry Levy, Cameron is turning Libya into a new Iraq
Les plans franco-israeliens de pillage de l'economie libyenne a la facon harkie algerienne tombent a l'eau apres l'elimination a Tripoli de l'envoyé spécial francais le colonel Hugues de Samie, marchand d'armes notoire, travaillant a la guerre civile au Maghreb
Libya: Another Lost NATO War
Where Qaddafi Failed, Islam Will Succeed