شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Showing posts with the label LibyaShow all
BREAKING NEWS: Libyan Sources Report Italian POWs Captured. Additional Coalition Jets Downed
French zionist mercenaries killed over Libya... 49 innocent civilians killed by israeli stooges
Israel et ses larbins francais, anglais et americains debutent une guerre de colonisation qu'ils etendront a l'Algerie pour saisir toutes les resources naturelles d'Afrique du Nord. Cette invasion sert egalement a lancer les attentats sionistes en Europe dans le cadre de cette guerre pour la survie d'Israel
The coming rise of the Fifth Islamic Army in North Africa and the programmed defeat and death of Israel
BREAKING NEWS: UN Vote on Full Libya Intervention – Veterans Today Tried To Head It Off
Libyans refuse any zionist West involvement. Solution to topple Must'amar Al Qaeddafi, a sefardim working against Islaam is an union of Libyan, Algerian, Egyptian, Tunisian and Moroccan freedom fighters fighting to eradicate Israel and her French, British, American, NATO puppets
Israel's plans to seize North Africa and the Arab Intifadhas is passing through zionist jewish banksters and their extreme right wing parties in Switzerland and Europe
"Operation Libya" and the Battle for Oil: Redrawing the Map of Africa
Don't say that you were not warned: Libyan Islamic Resistance began their operations against NATO mercenaries zionist genociders British, French, German, US and israelis invaders
URGENT : Israel is invading Libya and is seizing North Africa oil, gas fields
Qaddafi the Jew, the French sefardim is playing a partition to give Libya to Israel, as Suleiman is doing in Egypt, or Al Maliki in Iraq
The invasion of North Africa by israeli stooges Sarkozy, Cameron and Obama. Remember what we did say when the Tunisia intifadha started, Libya and Algeria will be divided and occupied by NATO on behalf of Israel.
URGENT: Qaddafi has lost control over oil, gas fields. That's why zionist thugs in London, Tel Aviv and Washington want to invade Libya
Israel and her stooges in the Pentagone and London are now pushing the agenda of civil war followed by a full scale military invasion to seize libyans oil, gas fields
Behind Al Qaeda in North Africa there are Sarkozy and Netanyahu, who is in control of the CIA embassy in Tunisia where the fake 'Al Qaeda videos' were manufactured with the help of the harkas (traitors) of Algeria
More evidence that criminal Kadhafi is offering for free Libya to Israel as pre-planned before 'fleeing officially' the country, like Iraq was 'offered' to Israel in 1990
Criminal Khadafi using the similar tricks used to give away Iraq to Israel,  Khadafi is playing the exact same scenario and he is giving blatantly Libya away to Israel as planned.  As explained during the Tunisian intifadha in this blog, the US, Britain, Israel, France prepare for the military invasion and division of Libya and Algeria.  Libyan and Algerian peoples are preparing to fight and expel all the western zionist mercenaries as an entire part of their Revolutions ! This is the war Israel wanted !
Massacre in Libya : A 1000 Libyans death, Kadhafi had the green light from Washington and London to slaughter his people 'to protect western oil companies strategic interests'
La fin proche du Pharaon libyen
Massacre en Libye : Au moins 200 morts, des cas de viols perpetrés par des mercenaires francais et africains parlant le francais dans la ville de Benghazi et plusieurs autres villes