شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

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Le chantage a l'antisemitisme
VIDEO: Sheykh Imran Hosein explains why he does not travel anymore to the Western countries ruled by barbaric elites hijacking the West for the sake of their racist colonialist zionist ideology
VIDEOS : Le Sheykh Ali Belhadj sur la situation en Algerie et sur les gouvernants traitres 'arabes' responsables de la repression sauvage dans le monde Musulman au nom de l'ennemi sioniste
These scenes were exactly the same as our grand fathers and parents saw when French, British colonisers, now American and Israelis are shooting and killing people while they are praying. Arab countries are ruled by  racist sefarads pro-israelis like in North Africa or Saudi Arabia using the same terrorism to try to intimidate Arab people and keep them under poverty, misery, under development for the sake of Israel superiority in the Arab world.
Video: Selon les provocateurs professionels de la mafia israelienne de France, le pays serait au bord de la guerre civile...
Video: France-Israel-Algerie : La recolonisation de l'Algérie