شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Showing posts with the label Zionist EgyptShow all
More than one million Egyptians in Tahrir Square, several millions in Egypt demanding that Mubarak and Suleiman leave immediately. Evidence shows, Obama's envoy, zionist jew  Wisner behind the riots and civil war.
Israel caught in the Sinai and Cairo with snipers and causing chaos, looting in major cities with the help of Suleiman dirty secret service. Gaza border sealed after all prisons were freed from all palestinians detainees. Reports of massacres of Egyptian political dissidents in all the prisons in the Sinai after Suleiman named vice-president.
Suleiman is an israeli agent, responsible for the genocide in Gaza and the rendition of thousands of innocent Muslims all over the Middle East. Suleiman will split up Egypt (Sinai, and East bank of the Nile) and launch a war against Islaam by targeting and killing Muslims political dissidents on behalf of Israel, his job since he was appointed in the Mubarak regime 25 years ago.
VIDEO : The Downfall of Mubarak of Egypt
VIDEO: Uprising in Egypt Will End Mubarak Tyranny
Israel won the egyptian elections. The coming death of Mubarak will trigger a good Revolution, despite US, France and Israel wills...