شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Israel behind fake terror bombs, now carried on passenger flights from Qatar and UAE, and not by cargo... Again Israel caught lying to the world. Come on 'donkey-goys'! Join the British-US army , die for Israel in Yemen !
Turkey put the blame on Netanyahu for the latest terrorist operations in Istambul
War on Islaam : Yemen and Pakistan to be invaded by NATO and american troops within weeks
Manipulation- faux otages du Niger : Le 'message' passé sur Al jazeera identifié et authentifié par les preneurs d'otages de la DCRI est un faux
ISRAEL DID 9/11: 'KEE BETACH'BULOT TA'ASE LECHA MIL'CHAMA': With clandestine terrorism, we will wage wars
The Covert Origins of the Af-Pak War – The Road to World War III
Hamid Karzai: US Private "Security" Firms Spread False-Flag Terror
Iran: US behind Wikileaks revelations
Israel lost it about 9/11 and now threatens European Muslims by a genocide if Muslims don't stop fighting european zionist jewry.  Israel to use dirty bombs in several cities in Europe, in an attempt to stop the irreversible return of the Khilafa, which means the end of the zionism