شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Video: Economy : A new major sign that the Khilafa is back : All energy and CDS transactions are  beginning to be done in Gold.
The Dirty French-Italian Zionist Origins of The MAFIA and Extreme Right Wings in Europe
Soudan : Israel veut diviser le Soudan en trois parties et voler l'eau du Nil selon l'agenda du grand israel.
Israel and London zionist jews controlling MI5 were behind the 7 July 2005 bombings
Guerre civile en France : Le gouvernement d'occupation de psychopates juifs sionistes Sarkozystes prepare un nouveau 11 septembre en Europe...
Great Britain, France and Germany zionist jewry had set up the next 9/11 in Europe
Most Yemenis See al-Qaeda Presence as ‘Myth’
Israel behind F-35 scandal :  F-35 STEALTH FIGHTER SPY COVER-UP
Petraus father of the Iraqi civil war : Torture of Iraqis part of US dirty war