شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

One Million Muslims March to the Capitol next 4th July 2011
Video: Selon les provocateurs professionels de la mafia israelienne de France, le pays serait au bord de la guerre civile...
C'est le site satirique Bakchich.info qui avait sorti l'affaire du Karachigate. Ce genre de scandale  aurait fait tomber le gouvernement de n'importe quel etat de droit, mais pas en France ! Attention a la version pakistanaise et a ses rencontres secretes tenues au Maroc et en Turquie avec les differents clans politiques de la droite et de la gauche
Israel's american Khazars  are pushing the USA into a new war against North Korea and China, to finish the destruction of the USA as a superpower, to allow the use of nuclear weapons against North Korea, then attack Pakistan, Iran, blaming 'illegal transfers of nuclear weaponry systems, technologies'  between these three countries.
People behind Wikileaks show their true colors, claim that Sheykh Ussama Ibn Awad Ibn Laden still alive.
Divided Belgium uses war on Islaam to divert attention of the world from a coming inter-ethnic civil war between Flemish and Wallons
Afghanistan : Mujahideen Of Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan Military Operations update 27th November 2010 : NATO commandment does not have a clue of who they are fighting. MI6, RAW, mossad and the pentagone did not identified the  'fake taliban leader'!
More evidence that zionist jewish communities in the US, Great Britain, France, Germany and Israel manufactured 9/11
Afghanistan, Iraq, the lost wars of the defeated US-israel empire