شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Le développement de la vision militaire des brigades d’Al-Qassam
Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth
WARNING (23 December 2010) : Several intelligence sources informed us that Sarkozy is starting a civil war in France with the support of mossad and NATO clandestine terror networks, activated in Greece, and Roma today between Christmas and New year,  similar to the fake 'muslim riots' in 2005, manufactured by french zionist jewry and Tel Aviv, which helped him to win the presidential election in 2007
Climate change is an elitist myth : New Little Ice Age 'to Begin in 2014'
Afghanistan :The real mission of NATO is to protect Israel's pipeline TAPI
Vince Cable : The British-goy conscience still well and alive. Cable declares war on zionist terrorist mainstream media mogul  Ruppert Murdoch
Euro-obligations : Dernière ruse de la City de Londres pour piller l’Europe
Israel lance sa guerre civile en France :  Apres le soutien tacite de l'Elysée  a l'assemblée des malades et psychopates dégenerés et autres racistes israeliens, la secte dirigée par les pieds noirs et  haineux israelo-sionistes franc maconne veut créer un 'Islaam aux couleurs de Tel Aviv' .
VIDEO : While depression is entering in a destructive phase, governments led by zionists will use false flag terrorism, blame Muslims, to divert attention from the real problems people are facing; their survival in the middle of the engineered economical collapse of the West