شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Israel is using Omar Suleiman to take the Sinai and the East bank of the Nile, expel all the Palestinians from their land. Is this not the plan of Eretz Israel designed to receive the 'machiah', the fake messiah of the Zionist jews, the Anti-Christ ?
Egyptian people revolt against US/Israeli-backed Hosni Mubarak’s violent and tyrannical regime
Tunisia, Egypt; Is the Arab world moving towards independence
Israel caught in the Sinai and Cairo with snipers and causing chaos, looting in major cities with the help of Suleiman dirty secret service. Gaza border sealed after all prisons were freed from all palestinians detainees. Reports of massacres of Egyptian political dissidents in all the prisons in the Sinai after Suleiman named vice-president.
Manipulation de la France-Israel : Comment Marc Cheb Sun un ancien du journal 'Pote a Pote' de SOS racisme, une tartuferie israelienne, tente de soumettre les Musulmans a la terreure psychologique du CRIF  en France. A quand les 'nouveaux  pontes' mediatiques de l'Islaam en Europe auront le courage de dire devant une camera que le GIA/AQMI ce n'est rien d'autre que le gouvernement francais ? Toutes les preuves sont reunies et disponibles sur le net, vous n'avez plus aucune excuse !
Suleiman is an israeli agent, responsible for the genocide in Gaza and the rendition of thousands of innocent Muslims all over the Middle East. Suleiman will split up Egypt (Sinai, and East bank of the Nile) and launch a war against Islaam by targeting and killing Muslims political dissidents on behalf of Israel, his job since he was appointed in the Mubarak regime 25 years ago.
Revolution in Egypt : At least 62 deaths yesterday only in Suez, Cairo, Aleksandria. Hundreds of Martyrs this morning in all the country. The Police station in Rafah, border of Gaza was deserted by the police, same in the port of Al Arish. Gaza border reopened nearly fully !!! Allahu akbar
11 septembre 2001 - Le Mossad dirigeait les « pirates de l’air » de l’opération terroriste
Israel started the fake revolutions with wikileaks and now lost control of all of them.  Open the border with Gaza and prosecute publicly all the Zionists Arab puppets and their masters in Tel Aviv, Washington, London, Paris, Berlin