شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Afghanistan - Obama's War for Israel
Israeli Dr. Strangelove is USAF’s top civilian adviser
Israel is pushing Jewish Al Saud against Iran, division of Saudi Arabia into 5 new states under Tel Aviv control
Sequestrations, tortures et deportations d'opposants politiques a la France et ses reseaux terroristes algeriens au pouvoir au maghreb
Israel: A Suicidal, Apartheid State
Psychological warfare will lead to the war. Israel wants Saudis to fight for her in Iran, Pakistan and Yemen, but Iran targets Israel interests
Guerre civile en France : Apres les provocations de l'extreme droite juive sioniste Sarkozyste, la destabilisation de la France-Israel facon Karcher
Culotte de peau Mc Chrystal, celui qui traitait un "ministre" français de "f... -gay".....
Israel did 9/11 : Full details and explanations about how Israel did it
310 international soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan in June