شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Genocide francais en Algerie : Les années de sang et le rôle des agents d’influence
Staged Government Terror: An Open Admission Within The British House of Lords
DCRI(F):  La police terroriste secrete et politique du CRIF et d'Israel en France et en Afrique (Maghreb/Sahel)
Video: Economy : A new major sign that the Khilafa is back : All energy and CDS transactions are  beginning to be done in Gold.
The Dirty French-Italian Zionist Origins of The MAFIA and Extreme Right Wings in Europe
Soudan : Israel veut diviser le Soudan en trois parties et voler l'eau du Nil selon l'agenda du grand israel.
Israel and London zionist jews controlling MI5 were behind the 7 July 2005 bombings
Guerre civile en France : Le gouvernement d'occupation de psychopates juifs sionistes Sarkozystes prepare un nouveau 11 septembre en Europe...
Great Britain, France and Germany zionist jewry had set up the next 9/11 in Europe
Most Yemenis See al-Qaeda Presence as ‘Myth’
Israel behind F-35 scandal :  F-35 STEALTH FIGHTER SPY COVER-UP
Petraus father of the Iraqi civil war : Torture of Iraqis part of US dirty war
Israel behind fake terror bombs, now carried on passenger flights from Qatar and UAE, and not by cargo... Again Israel caught lying to the world. Come on 'donkey-goys'! Join the British-US army , die for Israel in Yemen !
Turkey put the blame on Netanyahu for the latest terrorist operations in Istambul
War on Islaam : Yemen and Pakistan to be invaded by NATO and american troops within weeks
Manipulation- faux otages du Niger : Le 'message' passé sur Al jazeera identifié et authentifié par les preneurs d'otages de la DCRI est un faux
ISRAEL DID 9/11: 'KEE BETACH'BULOT TA'ASE LECHA MIL'CHAMA': With clandestine terrorism, we will wage wars
The Covert Origins of the Af-Pak War – The Road to World War III