شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Amsterdam-Detroit : Another israeli false flag, israel is threatening to launch Mumbay style attack in London, in building and center owned by mossad
Israel et Mubarak ont fait creuser des tunnels pour envahir la bande de Gaza, les coordonnees GPS de ces tunnels ont ete transmises a qui de droit
British-israelis inside the government and so called 'anti-terror and security services' behind false flag operations, loyal to whom ?
Dans la bande de Gaza, les gens n’arrivent pas à joindre les deux bouts
Georgian North Korean arms transport plane part of CIA sting operation
Imam Al-Mahdi & the Return of the Caliphate
Did 2009 mark the beginning of the end of Israel?
The Hidden Bombing of WTC 6
UK, USA 'saved' their banks with drug money !
L’Islam est-il responsable de la débâcle du monde arabe ?