شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Who Wants this American Dead?
OPERATION 'NOVEMBER 1950' : Netanyahu, Sarkozy, Merkel dirty bombs, update 17th May 2010
U.S. intelligence turns up surveillance ears on Turkey and Brazil
Netanyahu does not believe in new UN sanctions at the end of the Month : Israel launchs massive drill the 26th May 2010
Une marche massive à Al Qods pour commémorer la 62 année de la Nakba
Israel wants a full EU membership, Sarkozy is preparing a civil war in France to help Israel 's integration wars
Who is bombing in Iraq, Are the bombers Al-Qaeda, the CIA or Israel?
Turkish Air Defense System Deployed to "Defend Syria, Iran against Israel Raids"
« Israël est derrière le 11 septembre », selon le professeur Sabrosky (audio)