شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Pirates, corsaires et flibustiers du XXIe siècle
Massacre of the Flotilla : Former US marine Kenneth O’Keefe on BBC’s Hardtalk, expose Israel lies
Israelis, Turkish Jews, and Kurdish Jews Behind Insurgency in Turkey
Guerre civile en France : Sarkozy et les medias aux ordres provoquent les Musulmans pour justifier de sa participation a l'agression contre l'Iran
Afghanistan : McChrystal out ! Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations, update 23 June 2010
Operation Cage: a case study in Israeli false flag tactics
Video: Did Israel target Raed Salah in the Mavi Marmara raid?
Israel responsible for the  wave of terrorist attacks, PKK is under Tel Aviv commands
La tentation du foot ou l’idole moderne