شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Le criminel de guerre Raffarin annule sa visite en Algerie du fait de la  chute du regime DST-DRS incapable d'assurer sa securité. La France-Israel en passe de perdre tout le Maghreb et perdre sa guerre face a ses 10 millions de Musulmans.
Israel est sur le point de declencher une guerre mondiale depuis le Moyen Orient en voulant prendre le controle de l'Egypte et de l'Arabie Saoudite, du Yemen, du Bahrein, des Emirats, du Koweit et du sud de l'Iraq
France-Israel-Algerie : A true Revolution is coming in North Africa
L'administration Obama sur pression des gouvernements francais et israeliens tentent de faire fermer le blog Islamic-Intelligence.
Insidious Israel vs. Emerging Egypt
France-Israel-Algerie : Apres l'echec total de la DCRI d'avoir imposé le criminel de guerre Said Saadi lors de la premiere marche contre le systeme colonial mis en place par les sefarades franco-algeriens.  La France-Israel est a la recherche d'informations credibles, Sarkozy c'est le calme plat avant l'ouragan !
1979 Sadat-Israel ‘War Treaty’ against Palestinians and Muslims not binding on Egyptians
Former intelligence agent Dimitri Khalezov confirms what the Islamic Intelligence Networks have been saying since 9/11: French, Germany , British, Israelis and US zionist jews organized 9/11 through secret networks, deeply infiltrated and controlling these countries (secret services, police, army, justice) and the help of zionists sefarad of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuweit, Egypt and Algerian networks. Islamic Intelligence blog warned since the Litvinenko affair in October 2006, and then in November 2008 that the very same organised zionist networks are planning to detonate 'dirty bombs' using boat on major european ports or major european cities near the biggest rivers to start a worldwild war between Muslims and the West so called Christians!  Cameron, Sarkozy and Merkel serving israel's interests are totally involved !
Egyptian Intifada: Did Israel have a hand in Egypt’s Internet blackout?
Western Israel's stooge, islamophobia, the next 9/11 in Europe, revolution in the Muslim world and the pre-planned WWIV