شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

La destruction et division programmee de la Libye par les israeliens soutenant Al Qaeddafi et ses mini clones ayant retournes leurs vestes a Paris, Londres, Washington comme Al Mesmari. Pourquoi personne ne dit que Al Qaeddafi a ete mis en place par la France-Israel, que c'est une racaille sefarade sioniste qui fera tout pour donner le petrole des libyens a ses maitres sionistes de Tel Aviv, meme programme a Benghazi, comme ce fut le cas en Iraq. Les libyens se reveillent et comprennent les desseins de guerres civiles sionistes. Ni Al Qaeddafi, ni de CNR a Benghazi , ni Mesmari mais le soutien total a la veritable resistance islamique de Libye, celle qui a levee le drapeau du Tawhid pas ceux des naifs qui soulevent le drapeau de la Senoussia, ayant trahie soutenue par Londres. Cette resistance islamique sortira victorieuse insha Allah
URGENT WARNING : Israel 'security company ' Magna is in charge of the Fukushima nuclear plant security, which was attacked by the virus 'stuxnet' like the North  Korean reactors, Iranian, and Pakistanis ones. We found that french secret services and mossad had secret bases in South of Tunisia, at the border of Algeria-Libya, same in  the Moroccan-Mauritanian-Mali borders. We know that Israel was caught in the Litvinenko affair trying to frame Chechens 'having nukes' in 2006. Then French-israelis services were caught in Algeria smuggling NBC weapons with their 'fake islamic networks' with the help of NATO clandestine terror groups towards Europe to organise 'dirty bombs' operations at the end of 2008. Now we have full confirmation that the CIA embassy in Tunis is in real charge of the NCR council in Benghazi and the new 'leader' is a zionist puppet trained in the USA and head of the fake 'islamic groups' in Libya. Israel will strike Europe with radiological bombs this is the purpose of the 'Fukushima terror operation' with the help of French, British, Dutch and German services all under total israel's control, to ensure the total transfer of power from Washington-London  to Jerusalem. Connecting the dots between Japan and Libya ....
WikiLeaks Back in business
Israel's plan in the Arab world
La destruction des Etats-Unis par Israel  et les guerres d'invasions d'affaiblisement des europeens-americains dans le Monde Musulman en vue de la preparation de la venue du faux messie des sionistes le Machiah/Antechrist prevue pour 2018