شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Netanyahu tente d'allumer un conflit regional avec la Syrie, le Liban et l'Egypte pour sauver sa tete, car la planete entiere s'attend a son elimination de la scene politique mondiale apres l'humiliante defaite de son pantin Romney.
Apres la chute de Petraeus a la CIA, ayant suivi celle de Carter Ham, de l'AFRICOM. Mangoux a la DGSE, ayant participe a la liquidation de Stevens a Benghazi, subira le meme sort. Des attentats en France sont encore une fois possibles et probables...
Apres l'humiliante defaite de Netanyahu a Washington, escalade militaire a Gaza: La résistance répond aux agressions de l’occupation blessant plusieurs soldats israeliens et des colons. L'Egypte met son armee en alerte, Netanyahu perdra les elections du 22 Janvier  2013, il a besoin d'une guerre dans le Golan, au Liban, a Gaza et en Egypte-Libye, Mali, Algerie pour se refaire
Benghazi attack was Netanyahu's operation led by his clans in the CIA and the french DGSE (still under mossadnik Sarkozy's control). The aim of this operation, with the islamophobic movie, was to put into orbit Romney to win the elections. Netanyahu lost so Petraus, Corbin de Mangoux and Sarkozy, despite Ruppert Murdoch lies and cries
After the Netanyahu defeat in Washington, the re-election of Obama is directly linked to the implementation of the new financial electronic system. And the zionist bankster cartels will use every single trick available on earth to put in place this new enslavement debt system, blaming Iran about the cyber attacks on the mega-banks in the US and London. If Egypt or North Africa return to the Islamic money, Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham, they might avoid the financial turmoils to their own people. The Fed is now pushing for this new zionist system of supra-monetarian union and the 21 December 2012 is approaching fast