شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Sarkosy, Merkel and Brown, first collateral victims of the Gaza genocide

A Comprehensive History of Zionist Crimes


It was decided to compile a relatively comprehensive account of the Zionist Mafia's crimes, ranging from the spinning of wartime propaganda into a new religion for political and business purposes, to the 9/11 World Trade Center demolition and the London bombings. The narrative is essentially in chronological order, so readers may scroll down to the period of their choice. Some consideration of the reality behind government and press distortions of previous events is necessary in order to fully appreciate the current global power structure and motive behind 21st century atrocities. This synthesis is clearly a mix of facts, conjecture and opinion, and is best regarded as a hypothesis. To complement it, another briefer version exists in timeline format. Although the following description will contain errors, it is certainly a much more accurate rendition of history than versions provided by governments and mainstream media. The material is subject to revision.


As governments continue their relentless drive towards global dictatorship, emasculation of national sovereignties and wilful refusal to govern for the benefit of their own citizens, it is clear that an international cabal or Mafia exerts great influence upon the obsequious flunkies and traitors who pose as 'leaders'. A measure of the cabal's power is provided by the fact that the armed forces of several nations are deployed on phony pretexts such as "WMDs", or "al Qaeda" conspiracy theories based on faked videos and planted 'evidence'. The military's legitimate defensive role has been superseded by the new mission: that of mercenaries employed to enrich the cabal by providing opportunities for private profit, from looting of oil wealth to heroin trafficking. Presidents and prime ministers receive a relatively small share of the proceeds, yet must pay a heavy price in unpopularity and the tarnishing of their legacy. In contrast, the cabal reaps almost all of the loot and benefits, and gains power to boot. The cabal's overriding objective is the pursuit of absolute political power; money is important to them, but a proportion is regularly reinvested in exchange for power. Their interests are not restricted to a single nation, but extend to the entire world.

It is logical to refer to this global power elite as a "Zionist" Mafia or cabal, since Zionism has been an essential feature of their strategy over the last 110 years. Zionism was officially supposed to be about establishing a national homeland for the Jewish people. Back in 1946, Jewish terrorists dressed as Arabs bombed the King David Hotel in Palestine. These bombers, part of the Irgun group who were officially classed as "radical Zionists", were directed by future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. In the same year the Irgun also plotted to kill British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, although the assassination attempt was foiled by British Intelligence. But Zionism did not stop with the creation of Israel in 1948.

In 1954, Israel was caught red-handed in a false-flag terrorist operation in Egypt. This involved attempts to frame "Moslem militants" for a series of bombings, and the Israeli Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon was forced to resign in the ensuing scandal. In 1963, Israel's Mossad (motto: "By Way of Deception, thou shalt do War", although their deception includes attempting to deny that!) and the Meyer Lansky (Majer Suchowliński) Zionist crime syndicate were implicated in the JFK assassination. (It was Lansky who pioneered the use of Swiss bank accounts for laundering the proceeds of international crime. Switzerland is a guaranteed war-free zone; the crooks would have too much to lose.) In 1967 Israel launched a sustained, unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty, hoping to pin the blame on Egypt. Unfortunately for Israel, they failed to sink the vessel, and had to fall back on the claim that it was a "mistake". In 1986, Israel's "Operation Trojan" involved the installation of a transmitter in Tripoli, and was successful in tricking Reagan into bombing Libya.

More recently, the roles of Ariel Sharon (Scheinermann) and Ehud Olmert have been primarily as war criminals who tended to focus on the immediate Middle-Eastern theater. Their overt activities included terrorising and oppressing Palestinians, invading neighboring Arab states, and generally carrying out as much ethnic cleansing - and doing as much to sabotage peace - as they could conceivably get away with. In contrast, Binyamin / Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu was charged with a crucially important covert role. Bibi's father Ben-Zion Milikowsky was secretary to Ze'ev "Vladimir" Jabotinsky, who founded the Zionist terrorist movement that played an important part in the creation of Israel. Binyamin Netanyahu was a unit team leader in Sayeret Matkal, an elite special forces unit of the Israel Defense Forces. Bibi, a close friend of Larry Silverstein, was in New York City in the morning of 9/11 and in London on the morning of the 7/7 bombings where he exhibited foreknowledge of the attacks. Netanyahu's job is to supply "new Pearl Harbors".

Although it turns out that the world wars and major terrorist events such as skyscraper demolitions, train and restaurant bombings and ferry sinkings are the handiwork of a Jewish Zionist Mafia, it would not be fair to blame "Jews" in general and assume that they are all part of a conspiracy. It would be too far-fetched to imagine the likes of Barry Manilow, for example, as part of a conspiracy for world domination; a conspiracy to send people to sleep would be more credible. A week after 9/11, Manilow was not calling for revenge or saying "Muslims did it". And attempts to downplay Albert Einstein's genius and paint him as a "warmonger" are either motivated by envy or even an incipient racism. The best indications are that the world's arch-villains are part of the Khazar tribe. There is a partial correlation between "Jews" and the Khazars, but this is hard to quantify. It is also quite possible that the plotters of murder and mayhem are the descendants of a small association of Khazar families. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that just as Gentiles have been abused and cheated, the vast majority of the Jewish people have been cruelly exploited and deceived by the crooked cabal who lead them.

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