شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

9/11, Istambul, Madrid, London, Casablanca, Djerba, Algiers, 'Muslim' riots in France are israelis operations involving european zionist jewry

Madrid Ripple Effect 2nd Version Update

Remember that we informed you through this blog and other islamic websites about 'Operation November 1950' which described all these operations in details and the involvement of french zionist jews in most of these operations.

This is an important documentary produced solely by yours truly on uncovering the identities of the perpetrators of the March 11th 2004 Madrid bombings, and their connections to terrorist atrocities in London on July 7th 2005 and Casablanca on May 16th, 2003. The perpetrators who had inflamed the 2005 riots in France are also identified. It provides logistical analysis on how the terror attacks were carried out, the covert agendas behind perpetrating such false flag terrorist attacks, and the political consequences of such operations. The identities of major international Jewish terrorists have been unmasked, and those accused of perpetrating the attacks on Madrid and Morocco, in addition to the exacerbating of the late 2005/early 2006 French riots are also given exposure. Have a good watch.

To download the file, click here.


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Prothink said…
If you actually read things about Hitler that were true, and not Jewish lies you wouldn't be insulting Nazi Germany and the struggle they pulled against the Jews with the Jewish created symbolism of "Zio-Nazi". No Hitler was not a Jew, yes he did take their money until he was able to build up what he thought he needed to finally defeat them, he did work with the Zionist Jews over the more disgusting Bolshevik Jews in Russia at that time because he had a dilemma (kill all the Jews or get them out, his people weren't ready to kill so he took an offer to help get them out, regardless of where even though he initially tried for Madagascar), he did NOT kill 6 million Jews in gas chambers and even Jews like David Cole have come out with this, he did work and have SS officers who were Muslim/Arab, African etc. I find people who are ignorant to Nazi history (as I was for awhile) haven't actually read the Murphy edition of Mein Kampf which I might add has been a best seller in many Arab countries for awhile. Its called the "Jewish Question", not Zionist for a reason. The Prophet warned of Jews LONG before "Zionism" was created so people need to stop getting the 2 confused and accepting Jews as the 'good' ones because they lie and say they don't support Israel. John 8:44 states clearly that the prophet Jesus called the murderers, liars and thieves. He also stated Jews are of THEIR father, the devil, never did he say there were or Allah/Yahweh/God.