شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Will the Europe zone and the USA be destroyed by a bankster 911 financial attack in the coming days?

URGENT : En cas de sortie de la Grèce, l'Espagne ce dimanche de l'Eurozone, les retraits aux distributeurs seront immédiatement limités et les accords de Schengen suspendus... les banques vous voleront votre argent en Grece, Espagne, Portugal, Irelande, Italie, France, Pays Bas etc... Les banques run ont deja lieu en France, tous les retraits sont limites a 300 euros par jour comme en Angleterre. Pour les Musulmans ayant de l'argent dans les banques francaises au Maghreb et en Afrique, retirez votre argent immediatement ou vous ne le reverrez jamais, toutes les banques francaises sont en totales faillites. Achetez des dinars islamique d'or et dinars d'argent, disponible sur le marche. Voir ici et la 

"Due To The Extreme Volatility Some Market Analysts Foresee..."

Helmet time.
From Oanda
Due to the extreme volatility some market analysts foresee could result in the coming days, OANDA fxTrade will not accept any trading activity from 6:00 AM EST until approximately 3:00 PM EST, on Sunday, June 17, 2012. OANDA believes the convergence of a major market event during off-market hours represents a potential trading risk and has taken this rare step to protect traders from excessive rate fluctuations.

Please note that during this halt in trading, you can still access your account details but no trading activity will be accepted. For this reason, OANDA strongly recommends that all traders consider minimizing currency exposures prior to the trading halt.

If you do intend to maintain open positions during this period, be aware that OANDA will hold exchange rates steady during the trading halt. However, when trading resumes, rates will immediately adjust to the current market rate and it is possible that the updated rate could result in a margin closeout if the price has moved significantly against your positions.

Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure you have adequate funds in your account to prevent a margin closeout.

OANDA apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.

For more information, please contact a Customer Service representative.

Best regards,

The OANDA team
What do you get when you mix counterparty and agency risk, and throw in some currency collapse fear for good measure? This.


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