شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Showing posts with the label EconomyShow all
Will the Europe zone and the USA be destroyed by a bankster 911 financial attack in the coming days?
The invasion and destruction of Libya, now Algeria and the iranian oil embarguo will push the Eurozone into total chaos this summer. Mossadnik Sarkozy told secretly to the Libyan NCT last year that Algeria and Egypt will be dismantled in 2012 and that Iran will be attacked in 2014
Arab opinion index: 75% of Arabs favor a unified Arab monetary system
The New Mediterranean Oil and Gas Bonanza
French economy on the brink of collapse - Think Tank Says Bailout Fund Will Need $6 Trillion And France Will Lose AAA Rating
The Deutsche Mark is coming, and Germany will still lead the European super-state
Goldman Sachs and mossadnik Sarkozy are raping the French savers. PIMCO's CEO El 'Arian (translated from Arabic : the naked man) explains that French banks were attacked and have only 1 % in reality of the assets they are reporting. This is one of the reason Sarkozy attacked Libya, to steal the 250 Billions dollars assets of the Libyan people. We have now reports that Sarkozy asked Obama to help him to kill the Algerian puppet Bouteflika to help complete the hold up and steal up every single oil-gas penny. Double level strategy is at work here, one is to subdue the MENA region through faked revolutions to Israel, regionalise and divide in sub-entities North Africa, Caspian Sea, Turkey in the Model of Europe (see map) and destroy all the nation-states by creating engineered economical chaos to buy or colinisation stealing of every strategical assets in the West and the world for a penny on the dollar and then impose a centralised world government, controlled by Goldman Sachs and transnational companies led by the 'God's work' mad zionist dogs