شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Showing posts with the label ISRAEL DID 9/11Show all
Fear Paralyzes U.S. Muslim 'Leaders' Citing the thoroughly debunked, official account of 9/11 as gospel, anti-Muslim bigots and opportunists rally around opposition to an Islamic Center near Ground Zero
Islamic Studies Expert: U.S. Should Apologize to Muslims, Build Mega-Mosque at Ground Zero...at Taxpayer Expense!
Why the 9-11 Trial is Being Blocked
9/11 & Nine Years of Deception and War
American intelligence agencies confirm international terrorism linked to israeli government
Israeli Dr. Strangelove is USAF’s top civilian adviser
Israel: A Suicidal, Apartheid State
Israel did 9/11 : Full details and explanations about how Israel did it
Psychiatrist of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Commits Suicide
Why Do Jews Commit Massacres?
Is Israel Doomed?
« Israël est derrière le 11 septembre », selon le professeur Sabrosky (audio)