شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Operation November 1950 'Dirty bomb Plot' : Israeli embassy in New York hiding dirty bombs
9/11, Istambul, Madrid, London, Casablanca, Djerba, Algiers, 'Muslim' riots in France are israelis operations involving european zionist jewry
Netanyahu cancels US trip fearing to be sniped by awoken secret cells of US military knowing about Israel role in 9/11
Less than two weeks after Netanyahu terror operations in Moscow and Caucasus US-israelis presence in Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan targeted
Menace terroriste nucleaire sur la France : La DCRI a encore tout inventé, Bernard Squarcini sur le point de demissioner ?
Genocide in Iraq : Nothing new unfortunately !
Le lobby pro-israélien contre l’Amérique : à propos des mensonges de Netanyahu
Comment le Hamas a réussi à dépasser "Israël" stratégiquement ?
L'israelien Sarkozy est derriere le GIA/GSPC/GICM/AQMI en Algerie, Mali, Mauritanie, Libye, Niger
"Israel Did 9-11" - U.S. Military Expert Supports Bollyn Thesis