شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Is the Gaza death camp living his last moments : Israel is about to unleash a barbaric slaughter on the Palestinian people to try to avoid a UN recognition of the state of Palestine
Genocide of the Palestinian people, extension of the borders of Israel from Iraq to Egypt, Turkey to Saudi Arabia, the 'moschiah (anti-christ-dajjal) agenda' is now unfolding in day light
Exclusive: Staging of Major Terror Attack on US Evident
La solution finale de la Palestine est entrée dans sa phase finale. Israel va expulser tous les Palestiniens vers l'Egypte , la Jordanie et le Liban  dans un des pires nettoyage ethnique que l'humanité n'ait jamais connu
False flag in Eilat, Israel wants to take full control of the Sinai and NATO is ready to attack and invade Syria
Hugo Chavez Nationalizes Venezuelan Gold Industry, Demands 211 Tons Be Returned From Abroad - JPMorgan, Bank Of England & ETFs Scramble For Physical Metal
NATO invasion of Libya, North Africa
London Riots and Its Roots
UK riots due to immoral secular values, thieving bankers and corrupt politicians
LA SOURATE DE LA CAVERNE (SURAH AL-KAHF), livre traduit en francais
La France-Israel plonge le peuple francais dans la misere, l'embarguo energetique mettra l'economie francaise au niveau de celle de l'Ethiopie suite a l'invasion de l'OTAN. Sarkozy et BHL tentent de faire diversion avec de fausses menaces de 'contrats' pesant sur leurs tetes car ils ont perdu la guerre qu'ils ont fabriqué eux memes pour le compte d'Israel, Sarkozy prepare l'invasion de la Syrie, une nouvelle fuite desesperée en avant
Cameron has to rule whether the plundering of the UK is stopped from the banksters side and the streets or it is allowed and therefore he is responsible of the collapse of this country, moral, value, integrity, like all the prime ministers since Thatcher. Now  the privatisation of the police by using private military companies won't change anything ! Where is the money of the innocent people ?
Libye – OTAN : Échec consommé de la coalition ! Il faut faire cesser les bombardements de civils !
Lending money on interest is called Riba in Islaam, it is forbidden, that's the major reason the zionist jews controlling the western financial system hate us. Interest, no matter how abundant, ultimately leads to poverty, enslavement.
Blueprint For NATO Attack On Syria Revealed : Strike on Syria is technically feasible, former French general says
Comme annoncé sur ce blog, au mois d'Avril 2011, selon nos sources musulmanes a New York, la note de la France sera degradée sur ordre de Goldman Sachs selon un plan ordonné, dont la finalité est le pillage des epargnants francais, ceci avec la totale complicité de Sarkozy et son gouvernement dont 'le conseiller' malade mental et criminel de guerre Attali qui a pour mission 'divine' de preparer Jerusalem comme nouvelle capitale mondiale, la les choses sont claires pour tout le monde, les liens sont etablis et l'agenda se deroule devant nos yeux. Un bon embarguo energetique, suivant l'invasion de l'OTAN en Afrique du Nord finira la France-Israel au mois de Decembre 2011
British government begins stealing its peoples’ bank deposits ahead of the global financial collapse.
Israeli hand behind Norway massacre is now very difficult to hide
The engineered collapse of the West : Wall Street and the City are falling, and 'spontaneous riots' started exactly as the fake 'muslim riots' that took place in France in October-November 2005. Agent provocateurs infiltatred and controlling gangs, drug networks, backed logisticaly by former cops, secret services working for the NATO clandestine terror networks. We are seeing the exact same frame, scenarios, scenes unfolding here in London and now going viral all over the UK
Riots expand in London, Birmingham going viral all over the UK. No money for the youth, money for zionist warmongers and their bankster masters, with huge bonuses, looting literally the people.  A decade of corruption at the top of the elite in the country had bankrupted Great Britain and put the innocent people in his knees