شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Afghanistan : How Islamic Resistance Defeated the Zionist West
Greater Middle East : A Zionist Colonial Plan from Mauritania to Indonesia
Will Israel Fall in Five Years?
Dans la bande de Gaza, le blocus gâche la joie de l’Aïd
Eid Mubarak
Selon l'agent de la DST Abdelhaq Layada, la DST controlait les GIAs depuis 1992, et la France savait exactement ou les bombes exploseraient en 1995
Obama Decision on Missiles in Europe - Made in Israel
The Israeli Occupation of America: We Control America !
Zionist Free Masonery War Against Islam
Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan are israelis wars waged by their american puppets and european slaves
Israeli False Flag : Netanyahu, American and European zionist jews and the next 9/11
Video : The Anti-Christ : Massih Dajjal : The False Messiah is in Israel
Did Israel Kill JFK? - Watch & Judge For Yourself
Missing Algerian Children Had Their Organs Removed