شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Why Do Jews Commit Massacres?
Is Israel Doomed?
New video of the massacre by the Israelis on the Mavi Marmara, May 31st 2010 // 15 min.
Israël symbole de délinquance et d’impunité
La France-Israel-Algerie crée un nouveau pays en Algerie : Le Kabylistan
Islamic Resistance plans to anihilate gas, oil capacitiy of production of countries allied with Israel is working
Israel is pushing for a direct war between Saudis and Iran
Iran’s Disappeared Nuclear Scientist: Video Points to Unlawful US Abduction
Israel Doctored the Evidence: The Gaza Freedom Flotilla and Al Qaeda Israeli Propaganda Exposed
Afghanistan : La Resistance Islamique affirme avoir tué une quarantaine d'envahisseurs de l'OTAN, qui confirme une dizaine de morts