شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Bioterrorism: Israel is now using mosquitoes as a vector for bioweapons. This is far more dangerous than any nucelar weapon and can kill entire populations on a continent
Pipelinestan : Israelis puppets in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan signed TAPI  gas pipeline deal owned by israelis in Tel Aviv (Mehrav company)
False flag Swedish bombs: Once again the same actors (MI6, mossad) had foreknowledge of the event, at least 4 hours before the bombs detonated.
The Political Persecution of a 7/7 Truther
Quand l'OTAN finance les partis politiques occidentaux pro-israeliens avec l'argent de la drogue afghane. Y-a-t-il un financement des partis politiques en France grace aux trafiques de drogue, comme a l'epoque de la 'french connexion' du mossadnik Pasqua ...  Les réseaux franco-israelo-pakistanais etant tres liés a la maison Pasqua
Depuis 30 ans, la Grande Bretagne, les Etats-Unis, la France, l'Allemagne et Israel preparent la guerre sunnite-shiite qui doit permettre a Israel de prendre le controle total de tout le Moyen Orient
Truth Jihad Radio exclusive: "A person in my family was involved in 9/11"
U.S. And NATO Allies Escalate Military Buildup Against Iran
Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan: Military Operations, update 02 December 2010
Details of Israel's plan to destroy the USA and Europe and take new worldwide leadership