شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Effondrement de la France-Israel-Algerie: Les emirs du GIA/AQMI Juppé, Guéant en bonne place dans le gouvernement raciste colonialiste talmudo franc maconnique sarkozyste. Alliot Marie, premiere figure politique déférée devant une juridiction internationale pour crimes de guerre et genocide ?
Israel and her stooges in the Pentagone and London are now pushing the agenda of civil war followed by a full scale military invasion to seize libyans oil, gas fields
VIDEO: La laicite francaise, socle de l'actuelle Ripoublik, est l'outil colonial  des genocides de la franc maconnerie au service du sionisme et d'Israel.
Behind Al Qaeda in North Africa there are Sarkozy and Netanyahu, who is in control of the CIA embassy in Tunisia where the fake 'Al Qaeda videos' were manufactured with the help of the harkas (traitors) of Algeria
More evidence that criminal Kadhafi is offering for free Libya to Israel as pre-planned before 'fleeing officially' the country, like Iraq was 'offered' to Israel in 1990
Criminal Khadafi using the similar tricks used to give away Iraq to Israel,  Khadafi is playing the exact same scenario and he is giving blatantly Libya away to Israel as planned.  As explained during the Tunisian intifadha in this blog, the US, Britain, Israel, France prepare for the military invasion and division of Libya and Algeria.  Libyan and Algerian peoples are preparing to fight and expel all the western zionist mercenaries as an entire part of their Revolutions ! This is the war Israel wanted !
They Hate Our Meaning: Explaining the West's Suicidal Embrace of Islamophobia
Breaking the siege of Gaza is high priority for Egypt’s young revolutionaries
Veteran intelligence officer and pacific activist Ray McGovern assaulted by zionist mouth piece Hilary Clinton's gorillas
Guerre civile en France : Provocations racistes de la secte talmudo-sioniste au pouvoir et mise en pratique de la guerre des civilisations Islaam-Chretienté par les elites racistes juives sionistes en occident a l'aide de l'arme de la religion incréée du genocide colonial jacobino-franc-maconnique francais, la laicité.