شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Why The Huge Spike in Oil Prices? "Peak Oil" or Wall Street Speculation?
Sarkozy cherche a extrader le Dr Mourad Dhina au Qatar ou en Afrique (Gabon, Angola)
War, Pipelineistan-style
Military source calls incident at Afghanistan airport an 'attempted attack'
Donner à Gaza la capacité de dissuasion
Nicolas Sarkozy 'received £42 million from Muammar Gaddafi for 2007 election'
Israel is Egypt’s no. 1 enemy, MPs declare
According to Netanyahu and Clinton, Hague and Juppé, some Syrians must be armed to defend themselves against the Al Assad repression, entirely guided by the Western countries like in Libya, where the end game is again a total civil war.  Now why not arming the Palestinians with cutting edge weapons so they can defend themselves from 63 years of total zionist genocide ?!
Selon Oussama Hamdan, l'un des portes paroles du Hamas, les freres Musulmans d'Egypte et le parti Ennahda en Tunisie ont negocié avec les americains l'abandon de la lutte armée contre Israel, trahissant ainsi leurs propres peuples. Il s'agit maintenant d'armer les Palestiniens et les Forces Musulmanes combattantes au Moyen Orient avec de la technologie capable de renverser l'equilibre et le status quo dans la region!
Why should America burn? A question the Britons should ask themselves as well, considering that EMP attack is their original plan!