شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

The Euro-reich in the making : Fascism and racism as 'security excuse' for the zionist elites to rule in the collapsed EU
Washington et la déstabilisation politique de l'Afrique. Après le coup d'État, une guerre séparatiste menace le Mali.
Thirty-two hours of fame: how the strange story of Mohamed Merah does not add up
French DGSE responsible of the kidnapping of 7 Algerian diplomats in Gao, North of Mali. NATO Gladio terror networks are killing again, a 48 years old Algerian woman was killed in Grigny, Essonne, France. Sarkozy is trying to silence the 5 millions Algerian people living in France. To survive, he is starting a civil war!
Les reseaux  clandestins terroristes de l'OTAN frappent a nouveau  dans l'Essone.