شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

JetBlue 191 Jumble: Izzi Iran Ixxi
L'OTAN et la recolonisation du Magheb-Sahel au travers de la politique Européene de voisinage et du Grand Moyen Orient.
Breivik was handled by the MI6, he has also several links to the French DCRI as well, which planned to detonate dirty bombs in France in 2009.
Racism is the only motivation that drives May and political gains for the future elections. Like in the UK, Jordanian rulers are Zionist Jews, Arab descent like the House of Saud, worst enemies of Islaam.
Israel's blitzkrieg on Qatar, UAE, Oman and Saudi Arabia's oil and gas fields confirmed after 'rumours of coup d'Etat' in Qatar. Israel plans to dismantle Saudi Arabia and start several conflicts between Qatar and the house of Saud, UAE, while preparing for a major conflict sunnis-shias in Bahrein, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon at the same time