شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

9/11: Israel made a coup d'etat and send US to die for her in Afghanistan and Iraq, now Israel is pushing Eastern Europe against Russia
Was Israel ever legitimate?
Indications confirmant le déclin de l’Entité sioniste
Obama tente de batir des coalitions anti-musulmanes, un desaveu et une année encore a attendre pour le lobby israelien avant l'attaque selon Gates
Netanyahu wants the water of the Nile, the Litani, expel all the remaining Palestinians in the holy land and start building the antichrist temple
Operation November 1950 'Dirty bomb Plot' : Israeli embassy in New York hiding dirty bombs
9/11, Istambul, Madrid, London, Casablanca, Djerba, Algiers, 'Muslim' riots in France are israelis operations involving european zionist jewry
Netanyahu cancels US trip fearing to be sniped by awoken secret cells of US military knowing about Israel role in 9/11
Less than two weeks after Netanyahu terror operations in Moscow and Caucasus US-israelis presence in Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan targeted
Menace terroriste nucleaire sur la France : La DCRI a encore tout inventé, Bernard Squarcini sur le point de demissioner ?
Genocide in Iraq : Nothing new unfortunately !