شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

Israel – Temple Mount War Moves Begin as Iran Back Up
Operation Merah : Est un scandale d'etat impliquant la DCRI, la DGSE, le ministere de la justice et des affaires etrangeres dont le but etait de faire re-elire Sarkozy et declencher une guerre totale en France contre les Musulmans au nom de la 'defense d'Israel'
After IOC decided to not commemorate 'Munich' mossad operation in 1972. Israel threatens to blow up London and blame it on Iran and other Muslim countries like Syria, Egypt, Pakistan, Algeria, Yemen, and many others
After Bandar organisation of his coup d'etat in Saudi Arabia. One of the Muslim armies will erect victorious in the 'big war' against NATO-US-UK-France-Germany-Israel. Then Israel will be defeated by the Muslim armies headed by a Muslim General, imam Mahdi, and Jesus the Son of Mary, 'Issa Ibn Maryam, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them
Fall of Al Sauds : Bandar or the israeli plan to dismantle all the Hijaz and attack Iran, through Lebanon-Syria, Bahrein, Yemen, Iraq 'sunni-shia' civil wars and 'fake revolutions'
Muslim Genocide Burma Ethnic Cleansing
Israel probable author of Bulgaria false flag operation
Israel Likely Behind Bulgaria False Flag
US Military analyst: Israel might pull out a false flag attack in London and blame it on Iran.
Are Israel and their French and British zionist puppets plan attacks during the games and will try to blame an Arab and Muslim delegation?
The Government Cover-Up of 9-11 Evidence
This Blessed Month of Ramadan Buy Palestinians Dates and Goods
Operation Merah: La DGSE libere 3 otages algeriens au Mali, l'avocate de la famille Merah differe la remise des videos a la justice raciste racialiste franc-maconnique talmudo-sioniste 'francaise' qui joue la guerre civile sur ordre du CRIF
Pax Talmudica 2012 : Non practising Zionist War Criminal Shimon Peres cancels his trip to the London Olympics. THIS IS NOT GOOD FOR THE LONDONERS! REMEMBER 911!!!
Operation Merah : Les mythomanes racistes et incompetents de la DCRI ont mis 4 mois pour mettre au point des bandes sons plus que douteuses
Israel has the full control over the MI5, MI6, the Metropolitan Police in London, Scotland Yards and David Cameron's cabinet.
Pax Talmudica 2012 : Netanyahu is deeply involved in the black market trade of nuclear material according to the FBI. What were the links between the Litvinenko affair, Israel, and the next 911 israeli nuclear false flag in Europe?
Qui suivre, qui combattre en ces temps troubles de manipulations? Faut-il suivre les mensonges de la secte talmudiste de la franc-maconnerie et sa democratie qui n'a jamais existe, sa laicite, qui n'a jamais existe, ses libertes, qui n'ont jamais existe, ses droits, qui n'ont jamais existe? La secte talmudo-sioniste de la franc maconnerie prepare la venue de son maitre, le machiah, ou Antechrist-Dajjal et prepare le genocide de ceux d'entre nous qui suivons la lignee des prophetes envoyes a l'Humanite de Adam au Sceau des prophetes Muhammad saws, sa Sunnah et les commandements divins du Quran. Ce sont les seuls armes capables de vaincre le Dajjal et sa secte talmudo-sioniste.
Monnaie Sunnah c'est le Khilafa retabli: Dinar d'Or et Dirham d'Argent: Pour une conception monétaire francaise contact au bas de la page