شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية

One day before purim, Israel announces that she is dividing Libya in three provinces. The balkanization of North Africa and the civil war was the real endgame to steal the oil and gas. Never EU, NATO or the US wanted to help the oppressed Libyan people. The 1982 Oded Ynon plan of total destruction of all the Arab states is at work behind the fakery of the 'Arab Springs'. Israel through mossadniks Sarkozy, Bernard Henry Levy, Cameron is turning Libya into a new Iraq
The New Mediterranean Oil and Gas Bonanza
Quantum Note: Muslims circa 2012
Undersea Internet Cables Cut AGAIN!
How Israel is crushing the USA : Pushing Putin to kill Obama and zionist terrorists Koch brothers are illegally exporting oil-gas, or pretending to, then buying it back to avoid taxes and run up prices, their goal is to crush the US economy before the 2012 presidential election
Plan judaïque pour transformer le Musée islamique à Jérusalem en 'une synagogue juive'
Balochistan and International Conspiracies
Israel controls all the major plants in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar through American, British, French, Australian, Canadian security companies. Israel has a direct interest to blast minor pipelines and oil plants to start and push the US and Europe in a major conflict with Iran, pushing US-NATO to invade from Algeria to Saudi Arabia on behalf of Israel interets and to keep the energetic 'flow to the West' and the prices low. Is the Israeli blitzkrieg on Arab oil and gas fields on his way behind the excuse of the 'Arab Springs' and civil war sunnis-shias in Saudi Arabia?
Me voici poursuivi par la LICRA pour "contestation de crimes contre l"humanité".
Nasty surprises await warmongers in Persian Gulf
Israel is destroying Palestinians TV stations one week before Purim, 8th March 2012, ahead of a massive invasion. Israel plans to cut the internet using her fake 'Anonymous' front. Israel wants to invade Lebanon and impose an aerial blocade on Syria, invade Gaza-Sinai-Egypt
Apres la campagne terroriste de Decembre 2011 au Nigeria ou Juppé et Sarkozy tentent d'allumer une guerre civile chretiens-musulmans pour qu'Israel s'accapare de nouveaux marchés et prenne le controle de nouveaux pipelines strategiques, le Nigeria repousse l'idée de construction de son pipeline trans-saharien.
La laicite ou 'secularism' chez les anglo-saxons ca n'est reservé qu'aux goy souchiens et migrants... Le racisme a l'etat pur, on est arrivé au meme niveau qu'au nazisme des années 1930. L'europe est aux mains de l'extreme droite juive sioniste la plus raciste, nazie et criminelle que l'humanité n'ait jamais connue, les genocides des peuples suivront dans quelques mois
US secretly develops electronic spy station in UK
Jesus, son of Mary, peace be upon them, will kill the freemasonic 'Great Architect' known as the 'Moschiah' in the talmud near Jerusalem with the help of the Muslim armies. Is the end of Israel coming sooner than expected in Tel Aviv?
L'invasion et destruction programmée du Maghreb-Sahel : Le Mali, troisieme producteur d'or de la planete, le Niger sous controle de la France-Israel, en passe d'etre detruit totalement par une fausse guerre civile fomentée par les clans israeliens de la DGSE
Aqsa : Violents affrontements entre les fidèles et les forces armées occupantes
2012 : The 'new age' for Israel according to the Talmudists in Israel.  The year of 'the destruction and the renewal'.  Is the new age of Pax Talmudica era is starting in London?
Nouvelles provocations juives sionistes visant la destruction d'Al Aqsa: Formation d'un comité national pour la marche mondiale de Jérusalem
Israel has a full control over the MI5, David Cameron, and London security of the olympic games in July 2012